Rainbow Stew

In this episode of the Free Thinkers podcast, Rusty and Del cover a range of topics. They begin with Del sharing a story about a man and his dog stranded on a boat, highlighting the resilience and determination needed to overcome challenging circumstances. Rusty expresses his skepticism towards government and experts, suggesting that doing the opposite of what they say might be a better approach, given their track record of being consistently wrong.

The conversation then shifts to the importance of not placing hope solely in politicians or candidates, as they emphasize the need to focus on personal growth and building a better life. Gratitude is emphasized as a key factor in finding joy and fulfillment, with Del sharing the benefits of practicing gratitude daily. Rusty shares his firsthand experiences combating sex trafficking overseas, highlighting the importance of being part of something that truly impacts people’s lives.

The podcast concludes with a lighthearted story about Del’s fear of flying and an amusing incident that occurred during a turbulent flight. Throughout the discussion, the hosts emphasize the significance of personal development, gratitude, and serving others as ways to find purpose and make a positive difference in the world.


Rusty Puttfark
Welcome to a another episode of the free thinkers podcast the show that believes in free speech, original thought desire for truth. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week and we are back joined by Dale Murphy. Dale, how are you today, buddy?

Del Murphy
Man, I’m awesome, Rusty. How you doing? Man?

Rusty Puttfark
I cannot complain. This has been a great week. It’s hot down here in Florida. But what is new? How was your trip? You went to New York, New York City? Yeah,

Del Murphy
yeah. Yeah, we had had a lot of fun went and saw Yankees played the Cubs and went to a Broadway show and ate some good pizza and some bagels. And, you know, just had had a good time. So my son had never never been to a bigger city like that, and was just awestruck with the buildings. And, you know, just the amount of people and all the type of people that were there. So it was a it was a lot of fun.

Rusty Puttfark
Did y’all go up in any buildings?

Del Murphy
Yeah, we actually. So we went to the 911 Memorial, you know, when all around there we went to the Empire State Building and actually went, went up that one to the observatory, and walked around there. So that was really cool. And just, you know, getting to see the skyline from from up there. So, so yeah, I did, you know, did a couple of the touristy things did like a double decker bus tour around the city and things like that. So I went and saw Grand Central Station, and, you know, just did did all I think we hit pretty much everything that’s on the list of the typical New York, I think the only thing we didn’t do was, I think the Museum of Modern Art or something is on that list. And I knew he wasn’t going to be, you know, interested in that. So pretty much everything else that we went and went and saw. So it was it was really cool. And the the 911 Memorial was, was really awesome. A lot, a lot of really cool stuff there. And just just amazing the, how peaceful it is around there, how quiet it is, you know, people just being so respectful. So it was, it was that was a really cool experience as well.

Rusty Puttfark
So you get it tacked on the subway or anything like that?

Del Murphy
No, no, you know, it was it was a whole lot cheaper than doing an Uber or taxi. Because I think it’s like, you know, if you just buy a per trip, it’s like $2.75 a person. And so when you can actually transfer, like, if you’re going like, we went all the way out to the Bronx for the, you know, for the Yankees game, and so you like you had to transfer, you know, once or twice and so, but it still only cost you the $2.75 as long as you’re not getting out of the, you know, of the subway, you know, up top. And so, yeah, I mean, it was it was really usually crowded. I mean, we weren’t trying to go on there two or three o’clock in the morning, you know, when it may have been a little more dangerous. But But yeah, I mean, it was usually pretty, pretty full car. And you know, it was pretty busy down there. So we didn’t have any issues. And there were actually people helping us out like they could tell we weren’t from New York. And so like, we were trying to look at the maps and stuff and everything, you know, and they’d be like, hey, you need help? Where are you guys trying to get to, you know, and would tell us what trains we needed to take or how we needed to get there the quickest way so you know, there were actually some pretty nice people up there. And so we we had definitely had a good time.

Rusty Puttfark
With those are the ones that didn’t move to Florida, I guess that are still left up there, right? Because most of them are down here. Which is, which is interesting. Traffic’s actually kind of crazy today. But anyway, we’re going back and forth. Glad you had a good trip. Glad you didn’t have to. You know, I mean if you if you get attacked on the subway, but what did they say? Just let it happen. Just let it happen. Because you can’t, you can’t defend yourself. You can’t do it, just let it happen. Just give them what they want. Let it happen. So, yeah, we’ll go back and forth with a couple of stories and this that and the other and kind of what’s on our minds. So go ahead and kick us kick us off. What do you got?

Del Murphy
So I’m sure you may have seen this, but did you see the dude that just got rescued? That was adrift for like three months on the sea? With him and his dog?

Rusty Puttfark
No, I did not see that. Three months. No. So

Del Murphy
yeah, so the guy left from Mexico. He’s from I can’t remember where he’s from. But he left from Mexico. He wasn’t Mexican. Anybody left from Mexico and was going somewhere else and his boat like they were in a really bad storm. And it knocked out like his all his communications and knocked out his boat like his motor or whatever, I guess. So they were adrift for almost three months at sea. And they were just rescued they were 1200 miles from the nearest piece of land just drifting out in the ocean. And he was just found and he said they had been surviving on rainwater and raw fish.

Rusty Puttfark
Wow. Well, no, I have not heard of like your

Del Murphy
like Castaway, you know type story. Like and this dude look like it too. Like he had the longer hair he had the beard like Tom Hanks had in Castaway and and Yeah, like he was just out there floating, you know, in the water and, and it’s amazing that he actually got, you know, I mean, that’s like, you know, a needle in a haystack if you’re just out in the middle of the ocean, you know, for somebody to actually find you. But yeah, the dude was just just floating around and they have him and his dog and they were both okay. You know, he just said he was, you know, wanted some good food and was really tired. But other than that he was okay.

Rusty Puttfark
Well, if you just eat raw fish, that’s really good food. So he got his wish the dog probably loved it. I mean, could you imagine getting raw fish instead of just the dried dog food that dogs probably the best time ever that dog was with? It’s funny. I just picked this book up. It’s back there on the shelf, the heart of the seas about the Essex when you talk about being adrift? Yeah. That was from the movie. Did you see the movie The Heart of the Sea? I have not seen that was a great movie, is it a whaling ship that left Nantucket and went out there and got in some really big trouble. It was actually the one where the whale attacked the boat sank it and these guys went back in the boat. And we’re adrift for a long, long, long, long time. And only a few of them made it back. So and they went on the island and they seagulls and all that other stuff. So it was that was pretty interesting. Because Wow, that would I would much much much rather be adrift in a boat. Then, in that little submarine capsule on land. I’ll just I’ll tell you that any day of the week. So that would be that would that would really suck but so he’s back. Everything’s good. They’re both healthy.

Del Murphy
Yeah, yeah. They’re both healthy. Like, I mean, they had doctor took his vital signs and everything said his vital signs were normal. And, you know, he had just lost a bunch of weight. And, you know, it looked like he had a lot of sun. You know, he had gotten a lot of sun. And but yeah, other than that, he said him and the dog were fine. They have pictures of him and everything. So pretty cool story. I just seen that today. And, you know, thought that was that was pretty interesting. You know, just survive, and for that long out there in the middle of the ocean just drifting around.

Rusty Puttfark
Well, that’s called a pescetarian diet, we’re all you need is fish. So yeah, a lot of people actually do that on purpose. And so this guy just did it kind of out of necessity. So that’s, that’s, that’s not bad. I’m telling you. And, and one of the things that I think is interesting is I’ve been on carnivore for Well, I was on it for about 15 weeks, and then the last week we can have I’ve been in five states in five weeks and just been traveling all over the place and did really good for the most part. But then I thought you know what, I’m gonna I’m gonna because a lot of people use it as like an elimination diet. So I thought, Okay, I’m gonna see what I what I can reintroduce in you know what happens and stuff. And lit I mean, going for 1314 weeks with no carbs, no sugar. I felt incredible lost 20 pounds at my max. And just felt like really, really, really good. Yeah. So then I started just kind of like, you know, for a day or two, I thought, well, cow cheat and what, man, you talk about just lethargic and just blah, blah, blah. I’m telling you, what they tell you is the food pyramid, all that stuff. Do the opposite. Do the 100% opposite of that. And there’s a there’s a lot of people that I’ve watched have done a lot of research on this and all those studies back in the 60s after Dwight Eisenhower had his heart attack. And then that’s right, that right there at that moment is when they sort of pushing the low fat, low cholesterol diet, heart disease, and everything and just really, really bad health has been on the steady increase since then. And the reason is, is because before that, and all the reason I’m saying this is because that you’re talking about the guy on the boat, he that’s super super healthy, because to me, I only eat meat. Like that’s all I eat like maybe eggs, meat fish is part of that. But beef, I mean, I’ve got to revise down there. marinating and I normally cook one and eat tonight and then the other one I’ll eat tomorrow for lunch. But only eating meat people think it’s crazy people think your blood works gonna be off it’s actually pristine your your blood work goes through the roof, you lose weight, you feel better, you have more focus, mental clarity energy than you ever had before. So back when the whole Eisenhower thing happened. They started using margarine instead of butter, which that’s all that is is these hot? These vegetable seed oils and that kind of thing. You cook with vegetable oil instead of beef tallow. You cook with all I mean, you’re just doing all these things because you want a low fat diet now, so people have been been on that for almost 70 years now that they’ve said this. Now they’re reversing that their study They’re telling you that on their study, there is no correlation between a high saturated fat diet and heart disease, zero, PubMed, just reverse that. So but there is there definitely is between a high sugar diet between vegetable oil and all that other stuff and heart disease before the 60s, like when you look back in the 30s, and the 40s, everything was cooked in beef tallow, and everybody had butter, and all this other stuff. And heart disease was very, very, very rare. And so going back to that, it’s like whatever they say, do the 180 degree opposite. And you’re going to be in pristine, good shape. Because again, they are they’re completely rolling this stuff back. And it’s funny because even even like with like today, I was talking to earlier, I got an eye exam and the guy’s looking in my eyes and stuff. He’s like, you measure your cholesterol levels, this and the other. And, and I kind of made the joke. I said, yeah, I hope it’s higher. And he looked, he looked at me like what I’m like, yeah, for guys, your cholesterol needs to be higher than what the baseline that they tell you is. And because your brain and there was a neuro physicist I was talking to, and he was talking about, like, he eat six eggs a day fried in butter. And of course, on the new government chart, they say Froot Loops is healthier for you than eggs. That that’s that’s um, that’s I’m not I’m not I’m not making that up, I promise you we covered this a long time. They say Froot Loops are healthier than eggs. But, but like the choline and a lot of the you know, the good healthy cholesterol is with it with within eggs and the protein and that kind of thing. And omega threes I’ve been I’ve been listening, I was listen to this podcast today talking about omega threes and protein synthesis and all this other stuff. That’s just incredible. All that to say, He’s that guy stuck on that boat was in the best shape, probably if his if his life and the dog too. Right? I you know, the boxers that I had before, they both lived to 13 and a half years old, which is extremely old for a boxer, but I would eat a lot of salmon and I would give them the skin and that had a lot of those good healthy fats in there. So I’m, I’m convinced that that, that helped them be as healthy as they are. Because a lot of these, you know, animals can’t even get that in their in their diet. So all that to say is, yeah, I mean, I think if you if if you look at if you look at different and that was kind of my story is flip, flip the script, everything they say just completely believe the opposite. And again, it goes to die. And there’s a lot of these studies. There’s a documentary called fat fiction, which is a brilliantly made documentary that I would, it’s free on YouTube, we’ll link it at free thinkers podcast.com. But it just kind of goes in it kind of shows you how the big entities and like the sugar industry and the grain industry and all these other stuff set up the food pyramid, and what makes them more profitable. And it kind of goes through how these vegetable oils that are anytime you go out to eat, everything’s fried in these things, and it’s really bad and it causes inflammation. And it causes that which if you eliminate all that and you eat only meat, you eliminate any instance of inflammation. And you know I’ve had Candida in my life I’ve had leaky gut for some point and that was wiped out. And again, when when I reverted back I kind of did it as a test convenience as well but a test and now kind of Sunday I went straight back on hardcore man and it there was you can you can tell when your your microbiome and your gut shifting back from processing carbs to processing, you know, fats and burning fat as fuel instead of carbs. And it takes a little bit to get there. Some people take longer than others. But to me, this is, you know, day, day three, and I can tell that it’s we’re kind of almost back into the fuel. So you know what I’ve dropped already four pounds and three days on that. So anyway, it’s pretty cool. It’s pretty cool on that. So yeah. Good job for that guy in the boat to get off crazy.

Del Murphy
Yeah, for sure. What do you got?

Rusty Puttfark
Well, that was one of them. But the other thing is, did you did you see the Republican candidates and Tucker Carlson that interview at the summit over the weekend? Friday? Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty interesting. And I know most people that watch this podcast have probably heard other podcasts kind of break it down. But he interviewed a lot. A lot of the well the presidential candidates, except is that Trump Trump wouldn’t come there. He said he had a prior engagement. I say that in air quotes for those listening because I think he Get a really good job. I’m not coming because cowards can’t stand in the ring. And I don’t think he can answer the questions based on his record. And I’ll say that to me, I will say, the guy has been treated horribly. This whole thing I just got another deal come across the screen that he’s probably going to be indicted on the January 6 thing or whatever this is, this is it’s a joke. But they had Tim Scott and Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Asa Hutchinson and Ron DeSantis. Those were the ones that were able to and Vivek Ramaswamy I think his name is which he did a phenomenal job. But two of them crashed and burned. So Asa Hutchinson, he couldn’t defend his bill that talked about transgenderism and that kind of thing. Mike Pence crashed and burned because Tucker called him out on being more interested in Ukraine, which I I’ve deemed the money laundering capital of the world, then what’s actually going on in the United States. So those two campaigns probably are essentially over. Nikki Haley did a good job, but she wasn’t pressed on anything foreign policy wise, what she a couple of days ago said that Ukraine should be admitted into NATO, which would be a complete disaster. But I can’t remember if it was Thomas, I think it was Thomas Jefferson. He said free trade with all nations and entangling alliances with non to me, that’s it. And that was the book foreign policy of peace that Ron Paul wrote, which to me, um, the I thought Ron Paul was complete nutjob Kook and all that other stuff in 2008. And then I bought his books, and I read his books. And he’s the most constitutional person around so again, we hitch our wagons, and I think Mike Pence was wanting to hitch his wagon and companies, other Neo cons, hitch the wagons to these other countries. And get in there. And there’s just this. When Eisenhower did leave office, he said, the military industrial complex, and I think we we, you saw how they pulled out of Afghanistan, right? And guess what immediately happened? Ukraine. So now we’re sending tanks, we’re sending missiles, we’re sending all that other stuff. So the military industrial complex is real. It’s something that’s always been around for a long, long time. A president in his exit exit speech warned us about that. But we’re still in that. So that was an interesting thing. The blaze covered that it wasn’t Fox News. It wasn’t anybody that did a really, really good job. I was driving back from Georgia the other day, and I just started playing those. Each interview. I didn’t see him live, but I played him. And I was I was pretty impressed with Ramaswamy. Vivek, he was I think he’s moving up in the polls. DeSantis did a really good job. And like I said, pants and ASA Hutchinson crashed and burned. Him Scott, he’s the black senator from South Carolina. He, it was funny, because he was the first one out, you know, and I guess it’s the opposite from the back of the bus, he just goes to the front of the bus at this point. But it was, it was pretty interesting. Because they had it was like an interview said, you know, you had a chair here a chair there. And then Tucker starts asking questions, and he gets up and starts walking around the stage. And Tucker’s like, what what, what are we going on? You know, so I think it was like, you know, a lot of times presidential candidates answer questions, they get up and walk around. But that’s good when the moderators like in front of them or something like that, but it’s kind of weird. So I think someone told him to do that. But you almost have to read the room and then go at that point. So I, but I think honestly, the the thing that I pull out from all that is, we can’t put any stinking faith in any of these guys. I don’t I mean, I’m a huge DeSantis fan. I think what he’s done for us as Floridians is is awesome. But man, I think it’s time. I mean, you just literally we can’t I think so many of us put our hopes in what candidates are gonna do. I mean, look at Trump. Now he’s saying all what he’s going to do if he’s back in office, the dude had four years up there. Like, why didn’t you do it there? Why don’t you and I understand that this whole Russian collusion thing made it made a big mess. And a lot of times he didn’t have the Republican people on board. But yeah, I mean, it’s kind of like the old Merle Haggard song rainbow stew, you know, when the President goes to the White House and does what he says he’ll do. Yeah, so we’ll be sitting around and drinking our rainbow stew that song right there rainbow stew. That’s that’s that may be the name of this podcast is Rainbow stew is is pretty much. It’s pretty much what we’re talking about. But yeah, to me. I’m like, let’s just have fun. Let’s just live our lives and focus on ourselves, our families, our friends, our faith. Our communities because you know what, getting worried and getting all upset about what’s going on up there. It’s it’s the it’s a laser pointer. It’s a remote control. I mean, when you see this week, and if you don’t think if you think that this is a nation of law, the last two weeks hopefully is open your eyes. You’ve got the DOJ prosecuting people for just complete nonsense. Like they couldn’t get Trump on anything other than classified papers right. Now they’re trying to prosecute him for so I don’t I don’t even know what I’d I haven’t read that. Pending indict is not a legit indictment, but it may be coming. You’ve got text messages, you’ve got bank accounts, you’ve got all this stuff about Hunter and Joe Biden getting five to $10 million from China. Yeah, literally saying I’m here with my father. If you don’t pay now, bah, bah, bah. You’ve got cocaine found. And the White House and they close it saying, there’s this is over, we don’t have some surveillance system. So you’re telling me I can break into the frickin White House and I’m cool.

Del Murphy
Right? No cameras to see what’s going on. No cameras. No,

Rusty Puttfark
we can’t do fingerprints. We can’t do any of this other stuff. And the funniest thing is I just got on my phone. I hope it’s still on there because I started laughing. Yeah. Let’s see. Here it is. Police search Las Vegas home in connection with unsolved murder of rapper Tupac.

Del Murphy
I saw that Tupac, I got that notice.

Rusty Puttfark
Are you serious? We’re taking any of the 90s up now but they can’t find who left cocaine though. Most secure environment in the world and they just closed the case. But now they’re searching the home to see who killed Tupac seven years later. We graduated high school then. Yeah, just it’s crazy. If you think this is a nation of law, you’re out of your freakin mind. So to me, you just have to just go by what I have in my hat do not comply. Tell I mean, this is the same people that tells you to get an experimental shot now that the the excess mortality rate has is still on the rise for three straight years. Right now they’re walking this stuff back. So they tell you to have a low low fat diet, low cholesterol diet and heart disease rises. They I mean, like seriously, they don’t like not one thing. And then when you have what is it the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which is the like Xanax and all this other stuff. They basically say it doesn’t work. After 80 plus million people are on this stuff. So again, there was a guy that my friends with that he’s a CIA guy, and he said, zero believes zero of what these people say nothing like nothing if they say this is red, believe it’s whatever the polar opposite on the color chart is. Yeah, nothing. Nothing. So to me, it’s like, hey, like I said, you know, just build yourself up, you know, work on your health. And thank God, we have areas where we can do alternative research on this. Because if you believe the food pyramid and Fruit Loops and all this other stuff. Rainbow stew, baby rainbow stew. Yeah.

Del Murphy
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think like what you said, it’s just, if you get so caught up to where you’re on Fox News, or CNN or MSNBC all day long, and just taking that stuff in? Well, I was actually had a message at my church a couple of weeks ago, where the pastor had talked about that. And he was like, listen, we’re coming into election season here, you know, and you guys are going to get on Facebook, and there are other people on Facebook are gonna be arguing about this or that. And he was like, You’re not going to change anybody’s mind. And he said, and who does it matter who’s in power, we know who has ultimate authority in our lives. And so he says, you just need to like what you’re saying, work on yourself, care about your family, and just do your best. And don’t don’t worry about what’s going on outside of the world, because it’s something that you can’t ultimately control. So why are you going to let your emotions get out of hand if you can’t ultimately control that? So, you know, I think that’s, you know, something good for all of our listeners or viewers to remember is, you know, no matter what happens over the net next year, year and a half or so, is that realize that someone else is not ultimately in control of your happiness, you know, that it’s you. And so, you know, take care of yourself, take care of your family, you know, and don’t worry about the outside influences. You know, just just do what you need to do for yourself.

Rusty Puttfark
Yeah, and I think it goes back to what we talked about. On the last podcast is what you know, Revelation 21, eight said, as far as you know, the cowardly you can’t be cowardly. You got to stand up you got to be bold for what you believe in you got to be right, you got to you got to stand up and be strong. You can’t just sit back and be passive because I can’t remember what candidate said. But he said I would rather be free in the grave than alive. And a slave. And to me, I think it’s I think, I think that sets that up. Because if they tried to do the the nonsense they did before again, I did my own research, I did all this other stuff. And so I was like, Nah, that ain’t that that’s this is this is complete, you know hogwash. But we’re in a place to where, man, we’re just we’re so unhappy, we’re so drugged. We’re so without hope or so without anything and I think a lot of times we trust people to give us that to where we can generate that from the inside, right? I mean, and again that comes with community and to me I would say, Man, build yourself a community of people you can laugh with, you can do things with it, you can go places with because those candidates on TV, and for those of you in the cult, Donald Trump, he ain’t gonna go anywhere with you. I’m sorry, he’s not. And so it’s just it’s kind of crazy. But and I’ve always been passionate about politics, but I think the the I was listened to when I was walking the dogs yesterday, I was listening to Ted Cruz’s podcast, its verdict with Ted Cruz. It was great. And it was the one where he was at Turning Point USA. And so he took questions from the audience. And this one audience member stood up and said, Republicans have been in power for six months now the house, when will people start getting arrested and go to jail? All right, great question. Because there’s a lot of criminality, there’s a lot of just corruption. There’s a lot of just nonsense that has gone on on the Democratic side. And he and the reason I like to listen to Ted Cruz, he didn’t always give you the answer you want to hear. But it’s the answer. That’s correct. And he said per the Constitution, the only institution or the branch of government that can prosecute is the executive branch. What’s under the executive branch is the Department of Justice. You know, the FBI, this, that and the other, which obviously, bad administration is in control of. So that is the stopgap. And I think that that’s why the election was rigged. That’s why it was stolen. I’m 100% convinced of that, because you’re going to tell me that Joe Biden gots 15 to 17 million more votes than Barry Soetoro or Barack Obama. No, that’s not even close. So that’s a stop gap. And I think all these institutions worked and colluded together. And there’s evidence that the FBI, the CIA, and all these institutions, were working with big tech to censor certain information, working with to, to protect that. So they knew that if they could suppress the prosecutor to prosecutorial arm, per the Constitution, that they’re good, because they know that a lot of stuff happened. Right. So he was saying that, okay, so since that sealed up, since they can’t prosecute, what can the house do? The house can? Well, they, they can recommend a special prosecutor he was he was recommended special prosecutor for Merrick Garland, the attorney general who lied to Congress who has prevented certain elements of the investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden and all that other stuff. But he said, The only other thing they can do is to impeach they can impeach the Attorney General. They can to impeach Biden. I won’t call him the President because I think he’s illegitimate, but they can impeach him. So if the impeachment passes there, guess who controls the Senate? The Democrats, so you have to get two thirds in the Senate. That’s never gonna happen. You won’t even get one. So basically, it’s like, it’s a no some win at that point. It’s over. Yeah. So. And I think that’s a lot of the the reason they’re not even doing that is because they know they don’t have the numbers. And even if, even if all this other stuff came out, and they actually show the evidence of the bank accounts and stuff, Democrats still would not go for it. They just simply wouldn’t. And it’s kind of like the whole thing with cocaine in the White House. If that happened under Trump, these people would lose their minds, their head would explode. And now they’re just like, oh, it’s not a big deal. I mean, this a conspiracy theory, this that the other and it’s like, Alright, cool. Whatever you guys think. So I think a lot of people need to like, put the hopes down, because a lot of people put their hopes in to justice. Right? Yeah. I don’t think it’s going to be delivered. And I think you have a lot. I think you have the flip side, and I’m not a fan of Trump, but I think that it’s just complete witch hunt. I really do. And I think it’s, I think what they’re charging him with is just an absolute disaster. But anyway, yeah. I guess that’s my thing. Is this just like you know, I’ve just come to the realization that I still listen to a little bit of that stuff. But man, it’s, there’s a lot of times where you if you if you budget your time, and you actually write down the amount per day that you attribute to certain elements, how much do you attribute to building your self? How much do you attribute to building your faith? How much you attribute to building your family and how much you attribute to building your fear. And when I say the fear, that’s got to be politics, that’s the crazy stuff going on in the world. That’s all this other stuff that we have zero control of, but we’re riding the rollercoaster of emotions up and down. And I think anytime we hear something, it’s crazy. So that’s kind of that’s to me, man. Sit back, have fun, enjoy the greater things in life. And, you know, again, it’s to those that are in business and business owners work in your business. I mean, if you, if we just took took the block from the fear, and divided it up evenly into all these other things, would your life be better?

Del Murphy
Yeah, absolutely. I

Rusty Puttfark
think it would, I think it would, and again, not Matt Foley over here, but in a van down by the river and down by the river, but man, I’m telling you, I just a lot of times, you got to fast from that stuff, too. You know, I’ve taken I’ve taken I’ve taken fast from listen to a lot of that stuff, go up to Georgia and just start working with your hands, you know, build some stuff. And last time I went up there, turn the air conditioner on, and it just didn’t cool down on it. What the heck. So I put my feet over a couple of events and nothing was coming out the vents I’m like What in the world so I you know, army crawl under the house. And some animal had went and destroyed a couple of the ducks under there. So get on YouTube and I become you know, air conditioned rusty over here, man, Rusty’s Rusty is AC repair and got into there and fixed it. And it’s great. But that’s a great thing. Like I was able to get my mind working on something else. And, and learning a new skill. And just I love to do that. And to me, my whole theory on that is, is do it. If you screw it up. There’s somebody else that can fix it. But hey, at least you tried and telling you, thank God, I got on YouTube and looked at a couple of things and did it learn some tricks? made it happen, and now? It’s good to go. So yeah, so what what do you think about all right, man?

Del Murphy
Yeah, I mean, I like I said, I mean, it’s just, I think we need to take, take that block that we’re using right now for that fear. And, you know, taking in all the news and the media and, you know, getting us either angry or hyped up about, you know, 2020, for what could happen and this and that and put that focus somewhere else on something that’s actually going to, you know, make a difference in the world around us. Because I think that’s where we can, the difference is going to happen is if we make a difference in our own circles, that we have control over instead of being so consumed by these things that we don’t have control over that are so far away, that there’s nothing that we can do. So instead, work within your your circle of influence, whether it’s friends, family, whatever it may be, and be a servant, you know, and be out there and help the world be a better place for your little portion of it. And so, you know, and that kind of goes into one of the other things I was going to talk about is, you know, the best way to start your day, like best way to start your morning. And I know we’ve kind of talked about this, where there’s a book, and there’s a podcast, that a guy named how Elrod has done, and called the Miracle Morning, and, you know, just getting up and actually having, I think it’s savers is the name of the acronym of, you know, going through, and just a different way to start your day. And, you know, you know, my dad the other day, I was over at his house, and he was showing me, he had, I mean, it was a stack of six or seven books, because he just had to order some more of gratitude of, of journals, where he sits down and writes every day stuff that he’s thankful for. And like, I had no idea that that he had been doing it, you know, and he was like, Yeah, I just had to order this, see these books, they’re full of stuff, you know, and he showed me one of them showed me the stuff he was writing, you know, and it’s so important every day for us to sit and instead of focusing on the fear, and instead of focusing on the what ifs of the world, that can consume us is Be grateful, like be grateful for all the little things in life be grateful for family, be grateful for friends be grateful for the country that we live in that we still get to have a say, you know, hopefully in you know in what direction we want to take it and in our leaders and you know, just be grateful in life, you know, because it when you compare yourself to the vast majority of the world, man, we’ve got it so good. I mean, we have just got it so good. I mean, you’ve been to you know, the thing where you You did the trash mountain, our church just got back from going down to Honduras. And, you know, seeing how some of these people, you know, in 2023, are living in cardboard boxes, and you know how hot it is outside. And these people have no air conditioning, you know, they’re having church outside under a tree, you know, they have no building. And so I mean, it’s just, we need to be more grateful, you know, just as a society and just and us as individuals is just take that realization, and you know, and it’ll open up your eyes to go, you know, what, I don’t need to be so worried and so scared and so fearful, and then just depressed about everything else that’s going on, just whenever you realize all the good things that you have, that are actually happening in life.

Rusty Puttfark
100% 100%, and I think, Les Brown, I know we’ve we’ve quoted him on here before, but he talked about what’s the only body of water that has an inlet, but doesn’t have an outlet. And that’s the Dead Sea. Nothing lives in it, nothing lives in it. It just takes and takes and takes and all that it doesn’t give out. Right? So by taking no life happens in there. And I think that happens in our life, because we’re just full of consumption. And we want what we want, and, you know, on all all sides of life, and I think once you make an outlet in your life, whether and that’s to be like you talk about serving or having a lifestyle of giving or something of that sort, then life starts to flow through and abundance starts to happen. And, and that was kind of, I haven’t seen the movie. What’s the what’s the what’s the movie out with a sex trafficking, I can’t remember now the freedom sound or freedom. I haven’t seen that yet. Kind of have maybe P PTSD seeing it, because we were in the middle of a lot of that stuff, man. I mean, there was like in Cambodia, like we went to do an interview with this 14 year old girl. And when she was nine years old, she had to be with nine men a night. This is this is a nine year old girl. Right. But she she was telling her story. And she had the most amazing smile on her face, which we were all sitting there, you know, I’m behind the camera. And it’s just like, you’re just in shock, you’re numb. And was telling stories of she was in this, she was with this one guy and was able to break free and ran down into the street and saw a police officer and ran up to the police officer and knocked on the door of the police officer and said, You know what she escaped, can they help her and everything like that with a police officer was being paid by these other these people. So they took her back to that person. And they put her like in a closet with defending snakes for two straight days that would strike at her and everything like that, to psychologically program her to never do that, again, run away, never run away again for two straight days. And so these are these are these are things to me, that this is why you see the media coming out as hard as they are against it. Because these are the people in it. I’ve been to places where they say the United States funds this around the world. And it’s getting closer now because it used to be in Asia, but now it’s closer in a lot of these other things. But there are 10s of 1000s of sex slaves right now in this country in this country right now. And you and they’re sometimes they’re found sometimes, you know, you just never know. I was at Walmart the other day and they have the whole missing persons thing up there on the wall. And I just kind of looked at it and I’m like, you know, back when we were kids, it was on the milk cartons it was kind of a bigger deal. And now it’s just like, let’s just brush them under the rug. But yeah, I mean, I think there’s, there’s there’s places I’ve been there’s things I’ve seen their stories I’ve heard that will just it would rock your life and I think that some of those things you know, I’m still involved in in a distance but it’d be awesome to get back into it. You know, a little bit more but I’ve been there man I’ve been in Cambodia where people live in the edge of trash dumps and and and you walk through there and they don’t know what they don’t have. They literally don’t like they play in trash and they think it’s funny. There was there was you know one of the stories that just I’ll never forget is we walked up to this trash dump in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, which is what National Geographic described as the closest place to hell on earth, because it was just fires and just it was just it was it was pretty rough. And we’re out there and it was it was peacefully quiet. It wasn’t like an active part but we were walking kind of next to a village and all of a sudden you hear this kid yell. And he was yelling at us. Not like in a bad way, but just he was excited to see us. And so he was, you know, like waving. And I didn’t know his language. He didn’t know mine. But we communicated, you know, through hand gestures. And we’re sitting there watching him. And he did like this whole, like this gesture to wait a minute. And he runs up the side of this trash Hill, and gets to the top of the hill and pulls up this piece of plastic. And I’m like, what does he do it? He sits in? Is this an old plastic car bumper, like the front car bumper, he sits in it, and just sleds down the side of the trash Hill and crashed up. Yeah, he’s sledding down in a car bumper, he hits the bottom. And it was a pretty good bust. I mean, it was like, it was, it was Johnny Knoxville level bust. I mean, like head over feet and everything. And I’m like, oh, man, this kid got hurt. I’m just looking at him. And he gets up. He goes, Yeah, he just puts his hands up in the air. And, but it was, it was so cool. Because he hadn’t, he didn’t know he was supposed to have an Xbox, he didn’t know he’s supposed to have a computer. He was just having fun. And I remember walking through the village and everything like that, and just seeing these little kids and their smile, and they don’t know, what they don’t know. They don’t know what they don’t have, and that kind of thing. But I think it’s cool for us to be able to, to go and serve and be part of something that if we don’t act, it truly affects people’s lives. I mean, we’ve been in places to where if we didn’t do something, people may not make it or other things would happen. And so yeah, I think it’s, I think it’s definitely, if you get involved in something like that, all these cares of who your next president, all these cares of all this other stuff is going to fade away. And I think that, to me, when you discover what real authentic faith is, that changes the game. Because when you’re around these little kids, and they’re praying that they can eat that night, they’re praying that their family won’t sexually abuse them that night. They’re praying that they you know, that their mom will get murdered or raped or I mean, these are legitimate things I’ve heard, and to have faith for that, and then you come back here. And it’s like, Okay, God, we need a bigger house, or we need a better car, or we need something like that, which I’m not saying that that’s bad. But I’m saying when you get around the authentic, sometimes it changes your perspective of what that really, really, really means. So, yeah, I think if you just if you become like an outlet, and just allow yourself to give, and again, you don’t have to go across the world to do that. There’s plenty of the stuff here. And, and again, that that’s it’s kind of fun, because um, I travel with a lot of these, you know, guys and agriculture and all that other stuff. And it’s like, you know, when we sit down at the table, we’re talking, you know, they always bring certain stuff things up. And some of these stories have been able to share. And it’s really cool, because a lot of them just keep asking questions. And I think they’re challenged, and they just really, they I think we live in a society right now that if you don’t have 100,000 followers, if you’re not an influencer, if you can’t change things in mass, it’s not worth to do anything at all. And I, to me, it’s like, you know, when when Jesus left the 99, and went after the one, I think that’s almost kind of what we need to, to kind of think in terms of, is because we’re the one, right, we’re the one that maybe he left the 99 to come after. And if he didn’t do that for us, where would we be at this point? So I think that that’s kind of we have to think of ourselves as we’re the one that he came after. Let’s go after let’s let’s do something and go after other people to maybe on a small scale, maybe, maybe you have the opportunity to have a large scale influence that maybe you don’t, right, but even if you don’t, you can still do something, right. Yep.

Del Murphy
Yep, exactly. Yeah. Like, like we just talked about just making a difference where you’re at, and trying to be a part of something bigger than your own just little bubble, you know, about yourself and your wants and desires. And whether that’s politics or whatever that may be is just just getting outside of yourself. And, you know, just becoming a part of something greater, I think, is one of the definitely one of the keys to true joy and life because you know, happiness is going to come and go based on circumstances. But I think you know, true joy is going to be found in your relationships that we have, you know, in our faith and in serving is where true joy is going to come from. So you know, definitely Uh, you know, hope that everybody, you know, just tries that out, just, you know, just try it out and see. And I promise you’ll feel so much better than focusing on a lot of these things you can’t control and focusing on just your own little world. You know, you’ll definitely, definitely feel a whole lot better.

Rusty Puttfark
For sure. And I was thinking about fear. I remember being on an airplane with you. When we were coming back from Venezuela, and I don’t think God’s been petitioned that much to keep an airplane in the air. That was that was pretty good.

Del Murphy
I trust me. He heard my prayers. He did the

Rusty Puttfark
pilots heard them. And that was before 911. Because if that was after 911, we probably would have some marshals on that plane that would have put you down.

Del Murphy
Yeah, I was I was gonna have a meltdown. So I was already scared of flying.

Rusty Puttfark
Tell them tell that story real quick. That’s a good story right there. Oh, man.

Del Murphy
So yeah, we went our, you know, Rusty, and I went to a Christian school here locally and graduated together. And so for our senior trip, we always go and do a missions trip. So we’re going on this plane, and this is coming back from our missions trip that we had been down there for a week. And, you know, at some point, we hit an air pocket or your air bubble, or I don’t know what it was. But I mean, it felt I mean, it felt like it was 1000 feet or so that that plane dropped, like I mean, it was just all the sudden, it was not just normal turbulence, it was going up and down pretty good. Yeah, yeah. And so and so. And I think what was I singing? Jesus loves me, or what was that? What was I doing? Our dad said, Dear

Rusty Puttfark
Jesus, Are you were you were singing and you were calling his name out loud.

Del Murphy
There’s been a couple of instances because I get them confused. Because then there’s another one where I went with my family whenever I was about 12, or 13. And we went to the Grand Canyon, and my dad had us get in one of the little puddle jumper planes and had them show us the Grand Canyon. And at one point, he has told the pilot, hey, I’d like to see that closer, like down in in the pipe literally just comes down like this. And like my mom was sitting back there. You know, we’re Pentecostal. So she was probably speaking in tongues, and I’m sitting back there holding on to things like I’m singing Jesus loves me, you know, and my dad’s just laughing my brother, he’s like, eight or nine. He’s loving it. You know, he’s just laughing. And man, so yeah, I get I get those two stories. You know, thankfully, on my trip to New York, there was no such turbulence. So my son didn’t have to see me lose, lose all control?

Rusty Puttfark
Oh, well, I think they’re almost combined. I think you had the same repertoire as you did in the first one. But it was a pretty bad thing. I remember sitting next to janiece. And I think I still have finger fingernail marks on my arm from back in the 90s, where she was grabbing my arm because of that, because it it was pretty good. But to me, I wasn’t as scared because I was so excited listening to you in the back of the store. It was it was awesome, man. It was awesome. So that’s a good thing. You have a little, you have a little little fun like that. And you remember those for the rest of your life. So for sure. Anyway, well, that’s it. That’s all I have, man. So you got anything else,

Del Murphy
man? No, that was definitely good. So enjoyed it and good being back on and hopefully everybody I know, we’re a couple of weeks passed. But hopefully everybody enjoyed the Fourth of July. And we’ll be back on here hopefully next week and get some more content out for you guys.

Rusty Puttfark
Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, until next time, we invite everybody to go to free thinkers. podcast.com, sign up for email and text alerts and sign up for us wherever podcasts are Apple podcast, Spotify, Google, all that other jazz. So anyway, until next time, we hope everyone has a wonderful week. Email us rusty at free thinkers. podcast.com. If you have any questions on how to get involved in a local level, or anything like that, we’re happy to help put you in contact with any organizations or anything like that that could help so like Dale said, just get involved. It’s a challenge, do it. We’d love to hear how that changes your life and the lives of others. So until next time, have a good week. Love y’all

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