Trump, Truth & the Fight for Our Kids

In this episode of the Free Thinkers podcast, Rusty and Del delve into a range of pressing topics. They begin by discussing the unpopularity of Vice President Kamala Harris, followed by an intriguing analysis of the Trump vs. DeSantis polls, highlighting why national polls may not hold the same significance. Rusty shares a revealing video at a LGBT parade, where participants chant “we’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children” and display satanic imagery. They also explore the concerning impact of this movement on mental health, discussing higher suicide rates and emphasizing spiritual battle between love and lust. They delve into the significance of putting on the full armor of God, drawing inspiration from scripture and encouraging listeners to stand firm in their faith. The podcast further touches upon a powerful anecdote involving a slave auction and the importance of knowing who you are. Rusty concludes with a captivating analogy involving his dogs, emphasizing the significance of following loving guidance and avoiding potential harm. This podcast invites reflection on critical societal issues and offers insights on maintaining faith and standing firm against demonic influences.


Rusty Puttfark 0:11
Hello and welcome to another episode of the free thinkers podcast the show that believes in free speech, original thought desire for truth. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. We’re back here with Dale Murphy. Dale, how are you today, buddy?

Del Murphy 0:23
I’m awesome, Rusty, how are you, man?

Rusty Puttfark 0:25
Doing great. And I like the new format we have as far as the bounce back and forth. We’ll get right into it. Because I don’t know that this is going to be a great and positive and uplifting one. But you got to hit true sometimes. So yeah, we’ll do that. So I tell you what, why don’t you kick off with yours? And then I’ll segue into what I got.

Del Murphy 0:50
Okay. So I mean, just so everybody knows, we have no idea what either of us are going to be talking about today. So I have no idea what what Rusty is going to be bringing up here. One of the first things I wanted to talk about, though, was I saw a poll through NBC News, actually. So you know, usually this is probably going to be skewed a little more towards the left, but it showed that Kamala Harris is the most disliked vice president in the history of America. So, you know, I kind of thought that was was a little amusing. And seeing that. And then the other thing they were talking about that though, is talking about the, you know, DeSantis versus Trump, and right now, it’s showing that Trump is almost a two to one margin, I think my numbers were it was 51 to 22, is what the numbers are showing right now, whenever they polled, likely Republican voters in the primaries who they would vote for, and it’s 5122. And, you know, I kind of want to just to ask you, Rusty, what are your thoughts on that? What is the what do you think that the majority of the people that are backing Trump, you know, are thinking they’re in, in regards to that? Because it was interesting, too. They made a hypothetical, you know, matchup between Trump and Biden again, and what DeSantis versus Biden and DeSantis actually beats Biden and Trump loses to Biden. So what what are your thoughts there?

Rusty Puttfark 2:26
Yeah, as a matter of fact, I, I heard the the poll about Kamala, I call it the flat backer, honestly, because literally, she doesn’t have any other skills besides that. And, and it’s true. I mean, that’s how she gained access to political power. She had an affair with a mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco. And she’s done that several times to get where she’s at. She claims she’s a woman of color. Her parents are Indian, and her Indian and Jamaican. So she has no African American, the true woman of color thing in there. So she, she, she plays that that race card pretty well. And she’s just probably, literally of all the speeches. I mean, she’s, there’s just not a lot going up. Right here. I mean, she just is. And that’s why like she had to get out when she was running for president against Joe Biden, accused him of racism and all that other stuff. But she had to get out before the first before the primary you can happen because her her ratings or in her poll numbers were that low then. So it doesn’t surprise me that it’s that low. Now, as a matter of fact, 60% As far as on approval, I can’t even believe it’s it’s not higher, right, honestly, that that just kind of shocks me and that, that shows people are just completely incompetent. But going to the going to the Trump versus DeSantis, the only poll that matters now because that’s that’s a that’s a nationwide poll, the only poll that matters now is Iowa. Because when you start the caucuses and the primaries, you start winning different states. And so you go to Iowa to New Hampshire to South Carolina and that kind of thing. I think I don’t think Trump’s gonna win against the sadness in Iowa. I think right now Trump is kind of like absorbing all the media attention because of the indictments that’s going on and some of the other some of the other things that are happening with him. I will say that, I think the whole prosecutorial deal against him, there’s obviously two tiers of justice in this. And there’s, I was gonna bring this as more of my story, but we’ll probably cover this next week. But there’s a lot of pressure on Joe and Hunter Biden for their bribery. I mean, there’s five to $10 million. That legitimately is happening in there. And then you see the Department of Justice with Merrick Garland, they’re actually bringing impeachment charges against him the Attorney General because he’s blocking In a lot of things, I was listening to a podcast this morning with Ted Cruz, I’d encourage everybody listened to that when the verdict with Ted Cruz that came out today, because it lays out the case against that. But all that to say is I think Trump’s absorbing. And he’s he’s much more well known on this. And I think a lot of people, there’s two, there’s kind of two kind of groups that I think people like with Trump, there’s the cultists that no matter what he does, they’re gonna go for it. But then there’s the other the other side that truly believes he’s going to drain the swamp to me. I don’t have any faith in that because he had for years to do it. And he didn’t really do anything. DeSantis was in New Hampshire yesterday, and he was talking about that he goes, I went to the border, and this was something that was that Trump said he was going to fix he didn’t. Then he put Fauci in charge of the whole government, which I’ve said all the time he give the keys of the kingdom to Fauci. Trump’s always saying, If I get elected, I’ll declassify all the, you know, JFK thing. Well, you had for years, man, like you had for years? Why not? Why not? And so, I mean, you could have burned the whole thing down, but you didn’t. And so, at this point, you know, DeSantis, just threw his hat in the ring. There hasn’t been a debate. There hasn’t been. It’s early on, in my in my opinion, we haven’t even gotten to the first caucus. So to me, I think once you start having, you know, actual polling and actual head to head battles, I think it evens out a little bit more. And again, some of these polls are just national polls that are blown out of proportion. And I mean, you go into certain parts of the southeast. I mean, DeSantis is is definitely admired and recognized as a governor. But he’s not nationally known, in my opinion yet, as a candidate like that.

Del Murphy 6:49
Gotcha. Makes sense. Yeah, it was just interesting to see. And, you know, yeah, I think we’ve seen that probably in the past with, you know, with other candidates that may have not been as well known. And then as soon as they have their opportunity to be on the big stage with whether it’s in a debate, you know, or getting to Iowa or some of those other early primaries, you know, all of a sudden, they bust out, and then it’s kind of everybody else kind of jumps on the bandwagon and goes from there. So we may, we may see a replication of that in this instance, as well. So.

Rusty Puttfark 7:22
But I also think that if you put head to head policy battles, DeSantis will wipe the floor with Trump, because Trump was really bad on the Second Amendment. I mean, he basically went to the ATF and said, do whatever you want with these bump, fire stocks and everything like that, that’s, you know, just do whatever, something weak because we have to have some kind of appeasement for the, you know, the school shooting down south, which again, that shooter was on psychotropic medication, always said that it’s a matter of fact, it was interesting. RFK Jr. was on the Bill Maher show, and that’s what he was talking about the other day, he said, Listen, I’m not going to ban guns, I’m not going for guns, because that’s not the problem within the schools, the psychotropic medications that are just actually more prevalent than ever, they cause these things. If you look at the physicians desk reference, in every single instance of this, it talks about homicidal tendencies. Increased sexual appetite, just acts of fits of rage, I think that’s the exact term. So I’m glad a candidate like that is actually coming out and going against these drug companies that are doing this to these kids. Because it’s, it’s, it’s not good for their for their health and mental health. But back to back to the policies. I mean, Trump is actually still touting the, the jab. And he’s talking about how good he did how he rolled it out fast how it takes four to sorry, yeah, four to six to eight years to roll these out. And he got it done quick. There’s a reason it takes four to six, eight years, you’re supposed to do testing you’re supposed to go from, from rodents than to ferrets than humans. That’s, and you’re supposed to see the results. I mean, the numbers and the body count is so high at this point. It’s not my opinion, go to veirs. Look at all the articles, look at all these athletes is just dropping in that kind of thing. You can’t tell that and again, that’s the part where the cult of Trump is going to follow him no matter what he touts like that. But when you put him up against the Santa is one to one on, you know, DeSantis had to go along with certain things early on. We didn’t know what was going on. But I think once the layers of the onion started getting peeled, and he figured it out, Florida was great. I mean, we both live here and we knew that basically nothing was was happening in that in that case. And so again, when you when you start, I mean putting that kind of thing up, you know, against Trump and him handing the keys to Burks and Fauci. That’s a real bad thing. He was great on foreign policy. He was great on certain elements of that but he put Council of Foreign Relations people up there. He put You know, Bilderberg group up there? And these are all globalist people. And he’s talking about how he, he, he’s the king of surrounding himself with awful people. I mean, Jared Kushner is probably one of the worst people in my opinion around and he let him make a lot of policy decisions. And look at all the people that he put in cabinet positions early on, and what they’re saying about him now, so there’s not like this big connection there. It’s it’s kind of almost like a bridge burning festival over there at that at Mar a Lago because there’s just there’s not like a consensus of a base in it and a policy movement moving forward. And a lot of the the money that is that Trump’s raising is going to his legal defense at this point. So it’s not using that money to defeat the Democrats. He’s using that money for his legal defense and to go against one of the strongest Republicans around and Ron DeSantis. And so I think it I think it goes back to ego and pride. And again, I voted for, for Trump twice, I’ve donated money to his campaign, and he’s lost me completely lost me. And he did really, really, really good in my opinion. And I was still with him until the whole COVID thing came out. But he, he, he wiped that, wipe that out.

Del Murphy 11:15
Yeah. That’s what I got on my first one. So what you got?

Rusty Puttfark 11:22
Well, we’re, it’s June 28. And we’re finishing up the LGBTQ Pride Month. And I’ve, I saw a video this weekend. And I’ve always said that this is a movement that is born from the depths in the pits of hell, it’s a Satanic and demonic movement. And some of this stuff just backs it up with what I say. And I think that, you know, the Bible talks about we have to have courage, and we can’t be cowardly. And so I want to play this video real quick, because I saw this, and this explains a lot, watch this.

So I don’t know if you could hear that, but they were. They were chanting. We’re queer. We’re proud. We’re coming for your children. I mean, legitimately, so they talk about this isn’t a groomer, a grooming society. But I want to I want to read this, because there’s an article and Breitbart News, where there’s a San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, that they put this video out on I didn’t want to play the video because it’s awful. But here’s here’s the lyrics of this song because, you know, when you call people groomers, they were actually banning people on Twitter and Facebook and that kind of thing for for calling people groomers. Now, tell me if this isn’t grooming here’s the lyrics of this song. You think we’re sinful you fight against our rights you say where we all lead lives you can’t respect but you’re just frightened you think that will corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked? It’s funny just as once you’re correct will convert your children happens bit by bit quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it you can keep him from disco warned about San Francisco making where pleated pants we don’t care will convert your children will make them tolerant and fair. So that’s the that’s the lyrics from this this song. Now when you talk about when I when I say satanic here look at this. This is from the gay pride parade. Here it is. There’s a shirt it was Baphomet which is the satanic symbol with rainbow horns if you’re listening to this and the shirt says not today Jesus with that then there’s a sign they’re walking behind it’s a gay it’s a rainbow sign it says Satan loves now tell me that’s not I mean they’re they’re coming out with this and this is what they’re doing. They’re putting this these are shirts you can buy right now online not today Jesus with a satanic Baphomet which is a goat head school and it’s I mean you can’t you can’t deny the slippery slope and what like I’ve said before is they started with empathy or empathize so we want to empathize we’re just trying to get our rights this is this is all we want this that the other then it moves to normalize. Normalize is okay it’s in society. We’re gonna put it in Netflix, you’re gonna see people kissing, you’re gonna do all of this stuff. We’re way, way way past that and to demonize at this point, because if you don’t go with what we’re doing, if you don’t stand with what we stand With, we’re going to corrupt your company, we’re going to get you fired. We’re going to Doc’s, you we’re going to call you out, we’re going to do all this other stuff. It’s deception is deceiving. And they’re, they’re actually showing what exactly their whole goal and their whole mission is, is it’s infiltrated by satanic, demonic evil. And they’re going for the kids. There’s a couple clips that I was going to show. I couldn’t even show it because there’s gay. I mean, there’s get yeah, there’s probably gay. But there’s naked men riding bicycles with kids around the street, they’re dancing in the fountains in New York City completely naked. And kids are around, they’re running around. And so they’re trying to get these kids into this. And it’s, it’s, it’s gross, it’s disgusting. And it’s, I don’t know, like I said, I wanted it to be a little bit more uplifting, but we have to call this out, we have to call this out, we have to stand against it. Because you have target. That and I’m not calling for boycotts, you have to decide where you spend your money and what you want to do. But they actually hired a Satanist to design their kids clothes that had tucked friendly, bathing suits. Look at what he’s talking about online, look it up. Look at look at it for himself. I didn’t even want to show that. I mean, it’s there’s a lot of things we don’t want to talk about. We don’t want to want to show. But it’s It’s wild. But at least I mean, here’s the thing, at least they’re coming out and being completely open and not trying to hide behind what they’re doing. I mean, they’re, they’re full on going for the kids. They’re full on just going for it.

Del Murphy 16:36
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s just so important, you know, as a parent, just to, you know, just to try to help your your children understand and, you know, to show to show, you know, what, what you stand for, and, and why, you know, I think I think what a lot of things that are happening, and whether it’s universities or even even elementary schools these days is kind of like what you’re talking about, of where just the tolerance, like and so and I think what’s happening now is a lot of the kids were they’re accepting that and saying things that it’s okay is because they want to be tolerant, they want to show kindness, you know, that it’s a, it’s a bullying type thing, if you’re not accepting of somebody else’s way of life. And so I think that’s what they’re trying to, you know, like you said, it’s like, they’re trying, if as long as they can get that, if they can get you to at least accept that and then to go, okay, you know, just be tolerant, and, you know, and like these people, you know, and then all of a sudden, they just try to pull you in more and more with all the advertising you’re seeing with, you know, it’s amazing, you know, we have Disney plus, and just going through, I mean, this month, they have a whole row of Pride Month, you know, right there on Disney plus, for all the kids. I mean, there’s just just a whole row of movies and TV shows. And it’s, it’s just prevalent through everything you see you read. And so, so yeah, it’s just, it’s just really important to, to try to help your kids have something to stand on, you know, I think we talked about in a previous episode, you know, like for us, you know, that’s, that’s the Bible, you know, it’s like, hey, this, this is what we stand on. And so because if you don’t have something that you have, as a foundation, it’s so easily to be swayed by what’s going on in society going, Oh, well, this is okay. You know, because we, we’ve just changed we have, you know, we’ve we’ve, you know, developed from what we were we’ve evolved, you know, into nicer human beings, you know, instead of going, You know what, no, this is what the Word of God says, This is what I’m going to stand on. And, you know, I refuse to go past this.

Rusty Puttfark 18:52
Yeah, definitely. And I mean, here’s, here’s kind of where, what I was, I was saying the other day, because I think we have exactly what you said. And I mean, we both go to church, we both understand what the American church is about. But I think that there’s something that’s in Revelation I read the other day, and of course, this goes to my hat which says, did not comply. It goes to COVID. It goes to this whole satanic LGBT, whatever movement, Revelation 21 Eight, it says, but the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic RC idolaters, and all liars, there’ll be consigned to the fiery like a burning soul for this is the second death. But it’s interesting. What’s the first thing they said? cowardly, that was above everything else, cowardly. Jesus says the cowardly, don’t be cowardly. And I think that as in it kind of it kind of goes into what you were talking about. Next is I wanted to talk about because this is a spiritual battle. It’s 100% of spiritual battle. Obviously, they’re marching behind a flag that says Satan loves, which Satan can’t love. He’s incapable of love, because he’s the father of all lies. He’s the thief, which the Bible says he killed comes not but for to kill, steal and destroy. And he comes and does that through deception through the through giving you and letting you be God that’s that’s the whole thing. In the Garden of Eden, how it started how sin crept in, is you can be like God. So now we’re doing this with people, we’re telling them you can be you can you can be your God and choose your gender, you can choose what all this other stuff you can do that. But again, I always talk about I like to, you know, to give creative ability, instead of just criticisms easier beat a critic than a creator. So in a spiritual battle, what do you do? So Ephesians 610, through 18 says, the whole armor of God, right? Like that’s what we have to do. And I think I want to encourage everybody to go through these and understand what that is, and how you how that applies to this fight that we’re in whether it’s, you know, the the world, the flesh, and the devil at this point, those are the three three battles that we we battle, it says, Finally be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might put on the whole armor of God that you may or may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. So we have schemes of the devil we showed it, they’re walking with satanic emblems and ideology and all this other stuff. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against cosmic powers over this present darkness against the spiritual forces of evil, and the heavenly places that I think are infiltrating people. I mean, people can be possessed, I think it’s more real than ever look, what Jesus His earthly ministry, how many times he cast evil spirits out of people, even even people that weren’t openly like, you know, you would think someone that’s, that’s demonically possessed would be this wild acting person, but they weren’t. Some of these people were, like normal looking people. But when he, you know, touched, touch them, and his power in his name, and his blood came, they just kind of went crazy. And they came out. But it says, Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in this evil day, having done all to stand firm stand, therefore having fasten the belt of truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, as the shoes of your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace, and all circumstances take up the shield of faith with you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one and take up the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God praying at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication to that end, keep alert, with all perseverance making supplication for all the saints. So I thought that was, that was something that we kind of need to, I think there’s a lot of times we just don’t even realize what we have, and the spiritual power that we have in that. And, and so I mean, breaking those down. Let’s go through there’s there’s six things that he that he tells us to do. The first is the belt of truth. And he’s talking us to fasten the belt of truth around our waist, emphasizing the importance of living in accordance with God’s truth, and embracing honesty. And excuse me. The second is the breastplate of righteousness. And that’s for symbolizes the protection of a righteous life in Christ guarding one’s heart against sin, which I think we have to do with the kids. Because Raise it, raise the child up in the way that he should go. And when he is old, he will not depart from it, right? I mean, look at all the scripture that talks about and you can talk about, you know, the experience of raising a kid, you know, in this world, I mean, when you’ve got to deal with, I mean, just all the stuff they’d have to deal with social media and all this, it’s not. The third is the shoes of the gospel of peace, that have their feet fitted with a readiness that comes from the gospel of peace indicating the need to be prepared to share the message of peace and salvation. The fourth is a shield of faith, which enables believers to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. Faith in his promise provides protection against doubts and attacks. And I think that the mental acuity of that is more strong than ever, because a lot of times the coercion that happens with, like you said, as being berated and in trying to embrace this, not only normalized, but now the demonizing part is here, that if you don’t do it, you’re going to be canceled, you’re going to be made a bad person, and the whole you know, the socialist society is going to hit you. The helmet of salvation represents the assurance of salvation and guarding one’s mind against the lies and doubts of the enemy. And last, the sword of the Spirit, emphasizes the importance of knowing and utilizing God’s Word in spiritual warfare. That’s a powerful weapon against deception, and temptation, which this is all based in deception and temptation. So I kind of wanted to bring that as far as a kind of an answer to what we can do at this point. And again, if you you know, go to a church, I’d encourage your pastor to speak on this because the more they don’t know The more that they just let this thing go, which I was very, very, very strong with a lot of churches and COVID, when they were shutting down and making people wear masks and all this other stuff that’s not that’s not the position of the church needs to be a beacon of light and darkness, they need to, they need to be bold. I mean, the people in the church, if they have the assurance of the salvation should be the first people to go and serve with among the sick, you know, trust God to protect you. And if he doesn’t, you have the assurance of that, but you’re here to be a helping hand and that kind of thing. And there’s a lot of churches that shut down. There’s a lot of churches that, you know, just comply to what the rules were. And I think a lot of that had to do with 501 C three status, they didn’t want to be protested. They didn’t want to be seen as getting people sick. They were liability and all that other stuff. But there’s one church that didn’t do that, that I know of. And that was a guy that’s an 80 year old preacher in California named John MacArthur. He kept his church open in Los Angeles, he did not make people wear masks, he got sued by the city of California. They lost the city lost that case, he reversed sued them. And he won a case for $800,000 against the city of California, because he stood up for his rights. He was not cowardly. He had courage. 80 year old person. Now there’s another preacher who’s written books on the barbarian way, and unstoppable force all this other stuff, he shut down. So like I said, I think that there’s there’s discernment that you have, but But to me, this is, you know, you put on the full armor of God, you stand up against these attacks, you have to have discernment to understand what’s truth and what’s not. If it was truly something that was really bad and harmful, and this, that and the other. Yeah, okay, we understand we can do that. But like, going back to what you talked about with DeSantis, he was given with the information he was given up front, he made the decision based on that information. But when discernment hit, and he said, nananananana, this dog ain’t hunting, this does not make sense, we are seeing on completely different stats, then you go off on that other path, you don’t follow and go along with that. So what do you think about that?

Del Murphy 27:12
Yeah, I mean, I think like what you said, it’s just all about, once you have the information, you know, and you’ve got the discernment that then instead of blindly following, you know, what’s being said, and, you know, with with no scientific proof or evidence, you know, then making the choice to, you know, to open things back up and allowing people, you know, to run businesses and be able to make money, you know, that, you know, thankfully, we lived in a state like that, instead of, you know, continuing to be shut down. So, you know, yeah, and then going back to like, what you were saying, you know, that was something like, you know, my mom, for me and my brother, when we were going to school every day, we would actually say the prayer of, you know, putting on the whole armor of God, you know, where we would we would go through and I think that’s just, you know, it is, you know, sometimes we, you know, we, we, you, we either forget about that stuff, or we, you know, kind of, you know, don’t don’t think of it as important as what it really is, and we’re you know, we’re in a spiritual battle. Like, I mean, this, you know, like, it says, it’s not something where we’re seeing, you know, fist a fist, and, you know, we’re out there fighting people, but it’s, it is such a mental and a spiritual battle, you know, for our hearts and for our minds. And now and then especially for our kids, you know, that the, it’s just something we’ve got to be so vigilant over in making sure that, that we’re, you know, we’re getting back into scripture, just like you quoting from Ephesians. There, and we’re getting back and we’re remembering, you know, what our foundation should be and what we should be doing, you know, as Christians some of the basic things that we should be doing. And so I think that’s a, I think it’s a good reminder for all of us on what we need to be doing, you know, in our day to day lives.

Rusty Puttfark 29:00
Yeah, what you talked about is the the spiritual battle, and that kind of thing is, you know, the shield of faith, it talks about faith in God and His promises, provides protection against doubts and attacks. And I think that that the battle is won in the mind. And again, you’re exactly right on that, because I think there’s, you know, every day we have to wake up and know that we have access to the throne of God. I mean, that’s crazy. I mean, when you think about it, we do, but we get so caught up in the defeats that we see because of spiritual forces, doing certain things that we forget the power that we have, there’s a story that Les Brown, I don’t know if you’ve heard of him, he’s a motivational speaker. I listened to him growing up. He’s, oh, man. He’s such a good guy he was talking about there was a slave auction way back in the day, and this guy was standing out out there with the with with the person that was going to sell the slaves and he was you know he was going to buy these slaves. So these slaves come and they’re getting off the boat and they’re in shackles and this that the other and he goes they’re all kind of have their head down and look to feed it just defeated but one slave didn’t. He had his head up his shoulders up, he was walking tall Walton proud walking high. And the guy said to the other guy he’s is he was all these other slaves are like down and defeated and everything like that except that guy, he goes What’s with him, and the auctioneer looks at him, he goes, Oh, that guy. He goes back in Africa, his dad is a king. And he knows that. So he knows he’s a prince. So he acts like one. And he walks like one. And he talks like one. And he thinks and he knows he’s a prince. So even though he’s in shackles, even though he’s a slave, even though he’s in this condition, he knows in his heart that he’s a prince, and he acts like one. And I think that’s a lot of what we need to do in our lives. When we’re down in defeat, and we feel that we’re in chains are in bondage, or we’re in something of like that, whether it’s attacks or whether it’s defeat or doubt, we have to know that our our dad is a king. And so we are, we are His child, and we have to act like one and walk wide want to talk like one and use their power and use the power of that relationship to make that happen. And so, you know, I just I think that there’s I mean, just looking back, I mean, it’s just seeing all the stuff that you if you scroll through social media, all the nonsense you see during this month, I mean, all these companies have logos that are just, you know, with with rainbow, which is again, stolen from the promise that God gave to His children, they stole that symbol with that. They’re also trying to steal, love. They’re actually Trump, God is love, right? The enemy is death and defeat and a liar and all this other stuff, but they’re trying to steal that love is for all with gay stuff. And the best ingredient is love. So they’re trying to steal the main attribute of God, and they’re stealing his promise. They’re stealing the attribute. And that’s all through deception, because the enemy is a deceiver. And he comes to deceive, and to kill and to steal through that he’s going to give you what you want. But he’s going to use you and kill you through it. And I think we need to, I think we need to remember that. And I think we need to get to the point where we can stand. That’s what it says when you’ve done all to stand stand. Stand right stand stand your stand your ground, don’t don’t run away and stand strong and that have courage. But don’t be cowardly. Because back in Revelation 21, eight, it talks about all these really bad things, that people that will be cast into the lake of fire, we’ll do the very first one is cowardly. I think that I think that needs to preach in churches at this point.

Del Murphy 32:50
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah. I mean, it’s, that’s one thing that, you know, that one of my college pastors had, had really had brought that out, because I mean, so many times, it’s like, you know, we feel like we’ve done everything we can do. And, you know, like you said, we get so defeated in our hearts and our minds, because we look out and we see that we’re, you know, that we’re losing ground, and, you know, in the spiritual battle, and, you know, out in the world, and with our kids and everything like that, but you know, what it says to do is just to continue to stand, continue to be brave, continue to, to stand for something and continue to, you know, try to be that light in the darkness. And, you know, I think that’s what we have to continue to do, is even whenever we’re feeling down and out, and you know, like, you know, we don’t have any other options, like you just said, We’ve got to remember who our Father is, and go, you know, what, we know who wins the battle, at the end of this thing, we know what happens at the end of the story. And so we’re going to continue to stand and try to, you know, Shine the light for, you know, for every one that will look and, and just try to make a difference. And so that’s that’s all we can do.

Rusty Puttfark 34:01
Yeah, I think it’s important when you said to make a difference. And I think a lot of times when I think we’re in such a mass society at this point, we feel like if we can’t change everything, we’re just not gonna do anything. And it really starts with one you know, one by one I’ve always said on this, you know, even going through the COVID days, one by one, we all say No, one by one, we all say no, like if we all did that, if we all like said no about things, which they did. I mean, I’ve you know, I don’t have kids, but I’ve gone to school board meetings to stand up for them having to wear masks in schools and stuff. And I’ve, I write constantly, my elected officials and let them know what they do wrong, but also let them know what what they do, right? Because I think we need to celebrate victories as much as we need to tell people what’s wrong. But again, one by one, we ought to say no to this because we know that that’s not the plan that God has for your life. That’s that’s not the plan that they have when you look at suicide rates. When you look mental depression, you look at all this other stuff in the LGBTQ community is through the roof. So that’s not love, it’s lust. And there’s a, there’s a big difference in that you don’t like the God is love, Satan is lust, you can say, and so they That’s the sign, they should care, to be honest with you. But again, when you look at even kids, you know, the transgender movement, the gay movement, or all this stuff, the kids in that, and I’ve read stats on this, I think it was the the show that I did after the the Nashville shooter and just went through and broke down all the stats as far as just what these kids deal with, because they think that they, they know what they want, but that’s not what they want. That’s not that’s not the whole life, that’s not the plan that God’s designed for them. And so I think it’s important to understand that because it’s not just hey, they don’t believe what we believe, we know that there’s, there’s there is life and an abundant life. And, and that you can have through that relationship and walking within the design plan. Do I always walk with to the design plan? I don’t. But one of the things I thought about the other day, is sometimes we think, oh, when someone’s telling us no, they just don’t want us to have fun and that kind of thing. You know, and I was walking my dogs are the day. And I got to the point now where I can let them off the leash and, you know, kind of go under voice command. But there’s a lot of times I’ll tell them no, no, no, no, don’t do that. They don’t understand that. And they may think I just don’t want them to have fun. But I can see a car coming the other way or I can see something else that will endanger them. And so if they stand within the, I guess the under my voice, and understand because i i can see things they can’t see, I know things they don’t know, they’re out there just to have fun. And if I just let them do that, it could eventually lead to their death. I mean, they can go run into a lake and alligator could get them, they can go run into the road and get run over. There’s huge eagles and stuff out there. And I mean, those are those you don’t think they’re big, but they can come down and do something pretty bad to you. And so it’s not because it’s not because I’m being mean to them and doing it. It’s because I love them. And I don’t want them to get in trouble that I’m, I’m using my voice and I’m telling them and using discernment that, hey, do this, don’t do this, this, that and the other. And so I think it kind of goes along that same way with us. Because there’s all these commandments that God tells us not to do and things that we shouldn’t do. But I think if we think of, of ourselves as dogs, and God’s the master, and he sees all these things that we can’t see, then we understand that he’s doing that out of love. It’s the you know, there’s not like a perimeter. It’s just if we stay close and under his voice, and near him, we’re doing it, it’s it’s all being done out of love. Because he knows that within that that’s going to be our best life instead of just running off and doing whatever they want. So and they also know that if they stay with me, I feed them really well. And they get sleep and air conditioner and all that other stuff, too. I mean, it’s true. Because if you run off, you’re you’re without a home, you’re without food, you’re without all this other stuff. And so the analogy goes a long way. And so if you’re trying to do your own thing if those dogs thought that they can make their own life well, which is I think a lot of people do not just saying gay people, I’m saying a lot of people do that they think they can do all this other stuff. And they can’t. And then they realize they’re alone there without love there without shelter there without food there without a lot of these things that we have once we stay within that plan.

Del Murphy 38:30
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I think I think that’s a great analogy. Because I mean, it’s just, it’s, you’re, you’re looking out, it’s for it’s for their own good just like with God, it’s for our own good. You know, and so many times, like, I think we look at all the the rules or the the nose or the don’ts, and you know, and it’s like all the things that that that God has given us to be able to do and the freedom that we have. You know, and I think that you know, there’s a book I don’t know if you’ve seen there’s a guy, a former military guy, his name is Jocko willing. And he wrote a book that says discipline equals freedom. And so and I think that that’s the that’s the way with God is that you know, when we’re walking in, within those guidelines, it’s we have freedom when you know, when we you do don’t feel like you’re you’re being repressed and that you’re not able to do things and that you’re, you know, that only able to do A, B and C you know, it’s that you actually do have the freedom because you’re walking, you know, in the way that you should and so God has that life and has it more abundantly for you if you walk in that way. And so I think it’s you know, important to remember that, you know, Christianity and and walking with the Lord is not about just following a set of rules. It’s something just like you said with your analogy, it’s something he has a plan for us and it’s something that’s amazing. You know, if if we have you know if we will walk in That way, instead of just trying to do our own thing and thinking that in our own finite minds that, you know, we’ve got the ability to know exactly what what we should be doing and how we should be doing it, you know, because we definitely do not.

Rusty Puttfark 40:13
Yeah, without without a doubt. And the last thing I’ll leave with is I know that basically, that is almost like a It’s vying for control, right? I mean, they want to control their lives. A lot of times when we walk outside of what God wants to control in our lives. And Craig Groeschel said it the other day, he goes, where what you control the most, is where you trust God the least. And I’m like, wow, that’s, that’s actually dead on, you know, and so. So I think that, you know, again, not just for, you know, that community for all of us, we need to kind of, I mean, we’re all in we’re all in that. I think there’s just a lot of times, you know, that that leads to a lot of different things. But I think, you know, what we control the most, or what we can’t relinquish control of is where we trust God the least. And so we have to figure out that and work on that, during the week, see what we can do?

Del Murphy 41:11
Yeah, absolutely. Always, always something to work on.

Rusty Puttfark 41:15
Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, sounds good. Well, I think, I think we covered our topics. And hopefully, hopefully, that opened some insight to some people because, again, you know, we’re not here to bash that, but we’re here to stand against it. And we’re here to just kind of direct those in and, you know, to the, to the true life that’s out there. But um, but also to encourage people that are people of faith and that see against this to put on the whole armor of God and use the power and understand that you’re, you’re a prince and you’re a child of the Most High that we have access to that throne room, and to do our part in that. I mean, don’t sit back and think they want or I can’t do anything like that. No, you gotta gotta do your part. One by one. We all say no, or one by one. We all say yes, we all say yes to, to certain things. So I think if we can do that, we’ll eventually win.

Del Murphy 42:05
Yeah, absolutely. Sounds good, man. Well, hope you have a great rest of the week.

Rusty Puttfark 42:10
Yep, you too. And, again, for our listeners. If you want to subscribe, go to free thinkers And subscribe on Apple podcast, Spotify, and Google podcasts wherever podcasts are on gab TV, and rumble and Bridey on and all those other places. So until next week. Have a great week. We’ll talk to you soon. Love y’all. Bye

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