Replacement Therapy: Change or Corruption?
In this episode of the Free Thinkers podcast, Del and Rusty talk about the pressing issue of congressional insider trading and corruption that permeate both sides of the political spectrum, with representatives actively betting agains set success of the USA.
Shifting gears, Rusty introduces the concept of “replacement therapy,” highlighting the importance of replacing negative thoughts and influences with positive and uplifting content. They talk about the impact of media consumption on our mindset, revealing how intentional positivity can empower us to navigate challenges by focusing on building a firm foundation of self-identity and embracing a mindset of growth and encouragement.
From addressing systemic issues to cultivating a mindset of purposeful action, this episode equips listeners with tools to drive personal growth and raise the tide of positivity. Discover how intentional positivity and actionable insights can lead to transformative impact.
Rusty Puttfark
Welcome to another episode of the free thinkers podcast the show that leaves in free speech, original thought desire for truth. Hope everyone’s had a great week. We’re joined with a good buddy Dale Murphy. Dale, how are you today, sir?
Del Murphy
Awesome, Rusty. Another great week. Got kids back in school. And yeah, just got on the traffic today dropping my son off. So that’s always fun. And so getting back into the routine, how’s things for you?
Rusty Puttfark
Man? It’s insane. That school is already back this early, it seems like New Year’s just happened. And I guess when you get older that happened, you know, the funny thing is, is at the office. You remember in school, where those clocks that they would have it with the board? They would, it’s like that thing moves so slow. And I thought you know what, I’m gonna buy a school clock schoolhouse clock and put in my office and just see if that was slow life down a little bit. And I actually did I bought a school house clock and it’s up there at the office. That thing goes faster than ever, man. So yeah, I just remember sitting in school looking at those things thinking, well, that thing move any faster to get out of this class?
Del Murphy
Yeah, it was. It definitely moves slow during those days, for sure.
Rusty Puttfark
Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. And it’s a, it’s been brutally hot. I know, across the country. It’s been brutally hot this week. And last week. And so typically, we get some rain down here. But, man, we haven’t had rain in a week. And so it’s just been on fire. So hopefully, we’ll get some rain and cool things down. Anyway, that’s how we’ll go. But um, we always go back and forth. As far as you talk about something I talk about something. So what’s your first store you got?
Del Murphy
So kind of like what we talked about last week, man, I wanted to dive in a little bit on, you know, this whole thing with whether it’s senators or representatives, just different government officials, and how they’re, you know, going into the stock market and how they’re, you know, making money, you’re doing these trades. So, I mean, I’ve got a lot of notes here, I’ll dive into just, you know, a few things. A couple of the biggest things that have come out just in the last, you know, week or two is that there is a representative, Thomas Carper, who is a sitting congressman, that he’s actually shorting the US economy. So basically, he’s betting against the US economy, he thinks that if things are going to get worse, so on July 13, he bought $30,000 worth of these options to be able to bet against the US economy. And this apparently, it’s not the first time that he’s done this, that he’s done this before. And this guy, he’s a senior member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. And he also sits on the Finance Committee, where he serves as chairman of the Subcommittee on international trade, customs and global competitiveness. So and I believe he’s out of Delaware. So he’s a good friend of Joe Biden’s he has, you know, really sung the praises of Joe Biden about how great he’s doing about how the country’s going, you know, in the right direction, and yet he’s actually shorting the US economy with his money. And let me say something
Rusty Puttfark
real quick, because yeah, the country is definitely going in the right direction for him to make money off of his short, correct, right. Yeah, yeah. That’s the right direction for him and his, his his success, but the rest of the country? No.
Del Murphy
Yeah. And so and then, you know, not to just focus on one side of the aisle that it just came out. I think it was over the weekend, that there’s actually a Republican Representative from Tennessee, his name is Mark Green, that he bought $50,000 worth of options, betting against the US economy that were set to expire in January of 2024. And then he sold them 25 days later and had just a minor loss. So now that this story has come out this representative, actually I just looked and he was responding on Twitter this morning. And he was saying, Hey, I’ve already talked about this. He said, I had gone I’ve got an investment advisor who I’ve given total control over my investments and told him to make decisions. He was he’s the one that purchased this. As soon as I had found out about what was going on, I had had him get rid of or sell the stake in that investment. And so that’s why he’s saying that 25 days later, it was sold. But again, here’s just two instances of, you know, a Democrat and Republican that have are both purchasing investments to bet against The US economy for something, you know, and these guys are sitting, you know, like we talked about Thomas Carper, they’re sitting on these committees that have, you know, all this power and that have all this information. And so it’s just like, it’s it’s insider information that they’ve got. And I’ve got, we can talk more, because I’ve got other examples on both sides of the aisle of different things that are going on here. You know, but I just wanted to get your thought on what what, how are we allowed, because it’s against the rule, people can go to jail for insider trading, because, you know, if you own a company, and all of a sudden you’re selling stock or buying stock, because you know, before the general public does, what’s going to happen, you know, you can be thrown in jail. So why is it that these people that sit on these committees and make decisions and give out government contracts and things are able to invest in these companies? And it’s no big deal? Like, it’s just, that’s just, you know, it’s basically a perk of being an elected official is that you get to have all this inside information, and then not have any of the consequences that, you know, Joe Public would have. So what do you think about that, Rusty?
Rusty Puttfark
Well, let me let me ask you first, how do you how do you bet against the US economy? Like what would you buy to, like, short the US, like the US government or economy, whatever that was?
Del Murphy
Yeah, so I think these were kind of like s&p 500, like options. So basically, like you’re betting, like they’re going in and betting that the s&p 500 is going to be going down over a certain amount of time. So like this one, with Mark Greene, this Tennessee representative, where his options expired in January of next year. So he’s basically betting that between now and January of next year, that we’re going to see a drop in the US economy. So you know, with the s&p 500 being, because that’s showing the 500 largest corporations within the you know, within the US, so that’s why he’s making that bet. And so if the s&p 500 falls, he makes money.
Rusty Puttfark
Yeah, and I mean, one of the things that I think we have to realize is, there’s not, there’s not, and again, I, I was past president of the young Republican group, back in the day in 2004, or five, been a Republican all my life, I’m not anymore, I left the party last year, or I should say, the party left me. And again, I probably should have left the party a long time ago, I just, you know, kind of had faith, maybe things will come back. But I think to me, it’s the right and the left, I’ve always said that the same thing. One is just wearing a blue coat, one’s wearing a red coat. And just, it’s kind of like the Washington general analogy, I always bring up what you’ve got one side that’s doing what they’re going to do. And the other side is just acting like they’re out there playing, you just have to feel the team. So there’s 10 people on the court instead of just five. And I, I, I see it as that I see it that this is an elite club that is put in those positions. And they’re going to go for their own self interest and self gain at the expense of the people and the constituents that they say they represent, again, betting against the top 500 companies in that country being on a committee being able to make policy and regulations that potentially could lift or raise the tide that lifts all ships, they buy what they’re doing in their investment says a that they don’t have faith in it be they’re probably not going to make any changes that go against their investment, because they want to have their own personal gain, which we’ve seen this we’ve seen, how do you I think you said last week, how do you make $180,000 salary, and in four or five years, go from your net worth being $500,000 to $30 million. And we’ve seen it across the board. And, and to me, I think the whole point of that was just the whole injustice of what Martha Stewart actually had to serve time for. These people in Congress are blatantly and openly and brazenly doing this stuff. And they’re getting rich and wealthy on it. But here’s the thing is, they put this little board game in place and kind of it’s a laser pointer, hey, go go do over here. We’re going to do this we’re going to we’re going to do this regulation. Let’s go to and just one of the things called a duopoly duopoly is where you, you have one thing pitted against the other. I mean, we see it in mainstream media. We’ve got Fox News versus CNN. Right. So you You pick a side, we’ve got Republicans, we have Democrats, you pick a side, we’ve got you know, Ford versus Chevy, you pick a side. Really, that’s really what it is. And so when they set this duopoly up, and, and you have to, in a almost force you to pick a side, well, the fight, and the attention goes to the side that you’re on, not what’s going on in the background. And that’s where the term bread and circus happened in the Roman days, to where Caesar and everything they were, they were doing coin clipping, they were just they were devaluing the currency, they were just doing all kinds of really, really bad things. But they had, the Coliseum was full, they had events and stuff to distract you with the gladiator fights. And when you went there, they gave you bread and wine and just eat, drink and be merry, have fun. Don’t pay attention to what we’re doing back here. By literally clipping the coins that you have, they would they would take, you know the coin, they clip just a little bit out of it put in a bucket, you go in your way, they would melt that down, they’d bring it all together, put some other metals in and now your your your silver is diluted and tainted and that kind of thing. But it’s okay, because we’ve got coliseums we’ve got all this entertainment, we got stuff to pacify us. We’re doing the same thing here. As long as we’re comfortable. As long as we have power. As long as we have entertainment. As long as we have food, we can go hang out this, that and the other. Yeah, we’ll complain, we’ll tweet we’ll maybe do an all caps, like I said last time, but we’re not going to hold anybody accountable. Oh, yeah, we’re really upset that they’re doing insider trading, okay, back to the game, or back to, you know, whatever. Whatever duopoly rival is going on. And that’s what that’s what I would say is, is looking at these things, in that context of a duopoly, as far as one thing pitted against another, I mean, it’s, it’s just, it’s classic, you know, bait and switch on that. So to me, I don’t think they’re going to change it, I think they’re, they’re going to talk about changing it. And then it’s probably not going to pass and they’re going to talk about changing it again, then it’s not going to pass. That’s what they do. Because when they get there, their whole goal is for reelection, and nobody really cares about that, because they care about the next big thing, which is, you know, whatever, whatever the the story or the, you know, the whatever you call it of the day is, that’s kind of where we’re at at this point. So to me, I mean, I think it’s kind of crazy. But yeah, I mean, you have people on committees that are that, that, like you said, know, what’s going to be voted on know what’s going to be approved, they know where they have the votes for this that Yeah. And, and, and again, everything’s driven by money, and the lobby groups and all this other stuff. And so there’s probably more insider trading than just those people sitting in power. I think the lobbyists are doing probably the same thing, too, because they share the votes and stuff. And so when you get enough people in on the take, you get less people really pushing back on this the same thing with Ukraine. That’s the biggest money laundering scheme, probably that’s ever existed. But so many people are in on the take, like FTS, that guy’s starting another thing again, I mean, he stole $200 billion from people. And I’m telling I’m telling you, I thoroughly believe that that was money that was funneled from Ukraine sent back to the people that vote and all this other stuff. And he wasn’t he didn’t. They, they, they did the optics of, you know, perp walking him and that kind of thing. But he never got charged and now he’s free. He’s not going to get charged and free to do what he did. Again, he was a pawn in their game. He he he did a specific role. And they had to go through the optics. But now everybody forgets about it, because everybody’s talking about Barbie or something of that sort. And so right. I mean, honestly, it’s it’s the craziest thing. But yeah, I mean, to me, I think that that’s kind of where we’re at. I mean, they just, it’s bait and switch. Look over here. argue about this while we’re doing the magic behind, you know, the background.
Del Murphy
Yeah, yeah. I mean, the thing you talked about was Sam gangland fried, I’d looked a little bit on that, you know, he had the campaign finance charges dropped. And, you know, he gave millions and actually to both sides of the aisle. Now, the vast majority of it was two Democrats. It looked like around like, I think there was around 55 or 60 donations to whether it was individual campaigns, or to certain, you know, things that were going behind, got contributions and different things. Like it looks like about around 50 or so were Democrats and around nine or 10 were Republican side. So you know, but again, all those campaign finance charges that you just talked about have been dropped. And you know, it’s just kind of crazy that all of a sudden that just kind of goes silent. Now there has been a bipartisan bill that was introduced by Senators Josh Hawley, and then Gil A brand to ban stock trading by government, legislature legislators. And that was introduced last month. So we’ll see if that goes anywhere. If you know like you say, if they’re just you know, going, oh, yeah, we need to do something about this. And like you, they introduced something, but then nothing has ever done. So but at least, you know, there are people that are calling out to the forefront, there’s, you know, I want to give some credit to a guy on Twitter that I follow. It’s unusual whales is the name of the Twitter account. And you know, they list a lot of this information where there’s just a lot of unusual information going on and things being passed around. And then they have a lot of, you know, financial data and information that they provide daily. So that’s a great account to follow. Just to have, you know, more information there in regards to all that. So, so yeah, just just a lot, a lot of info there. One other thing that I’ll leave you with. So Dianne Feinstein has right now her her net worth has increased to $200 million, since she’s been in the in the government in the last 30 years. And there’s just been all kinds of crazy trading, whether it was with COVID, or different things with polling companies around election time, just a lot of weird things going on. And as well, she has ceded power of attorney because of her age. And I think she had a fall over the weekend that she had gone to the hospital for him was there overnight. But she’s still serves in Congress, you know, so here’s someone that’s 90 years old, has given power of attorney over all of her things to her daughter, but yet is still sitting and I don’t know, if you saw that video, where they were taking the votes, and her like her aide was whispering over to her telling her how to vote. Like, it’s just crazy, how we still allow these people, whether it’s on either side of the aisle, these people that can’t absolutely function in everyday life, but we’re going to allow them to make decisions that you know, affect America. So just just unbelievable. Uh, you know, and this is just, you know, I just, this is just the tip of the iceberg. You know, I barely scrape the surface on any of this stuff, there’s a, there’s a lot more stuff that I have here, but I don’t want to take up the whole podcast just going over that. But it’s just crazy. Whenever you actually dive a little bit into it, everything that’s going on, that we just kind of ignored. And like you said, you know, we’ve got so much other things going on, you know, we were in these our phones all day long being entertained by social media, you know, or what’s on TV, or what’s the next big game that we’re gonna watch that you know that we just ignore a lot of this stuff that’s just crazy, that’s happening that’s just out in the open that they’re not even really trying to hide, so
Rusty Puttfark
no, they’re not. And, and that’s the, I guess that’s the that’s the part to where you, you literally get to the point of what do you do about it? I mean, is, is there anything you can do about it? You can contact your local representatives, but how do they end on the take is like, you know, you know, writing to the to the to the thief that’s coming to your house and stealing stuff, you notice that you should make rules that you can’t break in and steal stuff? I don’t I don’t think that that’s really going to be super effective. As far as when it gets to voting. I mean, we have we’re supposed to have the power to vote. We don’t know if that’s a reality or not. I mean, legitimately, we don’t know how that works out. I mean, there was so many discrepancies. And a lot of things are coming out a lot of, you know, just really weird stuff happened in the last, you know, the last election cycle. And so, I mean, here’s, here’s the thing is, you know, you just have to decide kind of where, you know, what you stand up against how you go about that. And you know what to do and I think that there, you know, there are probably some, you know, some good constituents and representatives, but what happens to them if they stand up, like truly stand up, because to me, you can see when anything comes out, and again, I’ll pick on Democrats on this because they’re, they’re really good on staying on message. But when you when anything comes out, they’re all like parroting the same message. So I’m not sure whether that comes from their DNC headquarters, or if it comes from something deeper, like the CIA. I mean, when you literally look it up, CIA had Operation Mockingbird that would send out dispatches every single morning to news organizations and outlets. I mean, you can look this up. I mean, it’s, it’s well documented. And you still see today, news outlets just parroting the exact same thing. Now I know there’s a conglomerate and you know, one parent company owns probably 500 news outlets. So maybe that’s something that goes out from that. Now but it was that’s what it that’s what happened back then. And there’s no reason to think it’s not still happening now with all the crazy stuff you have in the world. So I think I mean, we’re dealing with, again, there’s an elite cabal club, and we’re not in it. I think I can’t remember what what comedian said that he goes, there’s a big there’s a big club in the world, and you ain’t in it. I mean, and I think it’s, again, it’s it’s discouraging to people that like a rule of law justice, but you know, like Steve, they said, America is not a nation of law. It’s a nation of political will. And you can see people that do have political will. And I mean, look at Fetterman. And look at Feinstein. And look at even on the Republican side, Mitch McConnell. I mean, you look at these people, they’re, they’re as incompetent as it gets to, and for fitness to serve. And you look at Joe Biden, incompetence, it gets his fitness to serve, he doesn’t know where he’s at, he turns around and shakes hands with the air. Right, and they are willing, number one, their families are willing to let them do that. Which is to me, it’s like elder abuse. Just without, without politics, you know, in and play. But with politics in play, power, absolute power, absolutely corrupts, and the power, the scarcity mindset, and the gang mindset that they have, is, so it means so much to them, that they will abuse people that are in completely incompetent stages of their life, for power for votes for the majority to do what they can do in that in that aspect. Yeah. And that’s, and to me, that’s sad. And I think it shows, I think there’s a there’s a correlation with what you said, between you have sitting Congress, men or, or elected representatives, I don’t know if they’re congressmen or senators, but on both sides of the aisle that are betting against the country, and go back to the founding fathers, they would, I don’t know that they would really want people within the representative government that is betting against the success of the country that they fought so hard, and risk so much to establish. And I think it kind of brings it back to, again, I haven’t watched the news much, but I saw a little thing that came on where the US Soccer or the US women’s soccer team lost. Yeah. And I think it kind of takes us back to where we’re really at as a country because people celebrate their country losing, because so much vileness has crept in, to a political aspect of even sports, that we we are rooting against ourselves. As far as in sports, and as far as any, and that, you know, patriotism and nationalism, and that kind of thing, and even goes back that we are betting against ourselves when it comes to our elected officials. You can’t country can’t survive at that rate, when we’re when we’re cheering for our own demise. And I mean, as far as the flag, you know, over my shoulder, what does that mean to you anymore? I mean, it does it does it represent the goodness that came out of that? Or does it represent, you know, is that now the emblem of a corporation that is only represented by an elite at the top, and can go and do what they want to do and take advantage? Of all the people that are below them? I mean, literally, I think that’s kind of where we’re at at this point. Because we’re in a really, you know, we’re in a pickle at that point when it comes to, again, rooting against ourselves and betting against ourselves. That’s crazy.
Del Murphy
Yeah, I mean, and like you said, I mean, I think there’s, there’s something going on behind the scenes, that they’re, they’re just trying to get us all to hate each other. I mean, because it’s, it’s just just, you know, they just want us to destroy ourselves from within, destroy the country from within, you know, and I think I saw a poll, and I don’t want to quote the exact numbers because I can’t I can’t recall exactly what it was. But it was something where back in the days, whenever you and I were growing up, it was like 70 to 80% of people under 25 would say that they’re proud to be an American, that that number has been like cut in two thirds. It’s like, somewhere around like in the mid to low 20s percent of people, you know, that age saying that they’re proud to be an American. And it’s just, it’s unreal. I mean, back in the day, I mean, we would never think about somebody not standing up or putting their hand over their heart for the national anthem, you know, or the pledge or whatever it may be. And, you know, it’s it’s just a it’s just unreal. You know, just to see how quickly these things I mean, just just over the last 20 years Just, I mean, just the the downhill decline, you know, just in the patriotism and just the togetherness, you know, ever since 911, it seems like, you know, ever since then it’s just like, because we had all grown together, you know, and it was like everybody was on the same team. And it was just like, since that point, man ever since then it’s just been a steeper and steeper decline down. So just just really sad state of affairs. And so you know, but hopefully we can continue to be that change that we want to see. And, you know, just continue to keep holding up our own light to move forward. So, so what do you got? What’s on? Uh, now that we’ve spent about 30 minutes on one topic, what’s, what do you got? No, that’s,
Rusty Puttfark
that’s good. I think it’s, I think it’s a good topic to go to, because I think it kind of correlates right into this. I was going to cover the stuff about the cobalt mines, and about the electric vehicle, forest and all that other stuff. But I’m not going to do that. All right, I’ve got the notes right here. This week, I, I’m going to talk about replacement therapy. Let’s talk about that replacement therapy. This is kind of what I’ve kind of done this week. What does that mean? I’ve, I was sitting on the porch Sunday morning, listen to this podcast, that’s that will link at freethinkers It’s talking about finding your true identity in Christ. And it was this guy named Jamie Winship, ex CIA agent, incredible story. And it’s just really about hearing, hearing the voice of God. And he’s, he talks about his goal was to, I guess, reduce or disarm conflict in militant organizations. So he’d go and he lived for 26. His he and his family lived for 26 years, and Muslim areas, and basically went over there and really, you know, help people find their identity. And he was speaking at a youth youth camp. And I thought it was so powerful. And I just thought, you know, here, here’s the thing, we have a choice. And I’m guilty of it. Because I spend so much time I actually kind of like wrote down what I actually spend my day with, I wake up and I listened to, you know, I’m in the kitchen making coffee or breakfast, I’ll listen to the am update, which is it’s good. But it’s just all the bad stuff that’s happened in the day before and politics and that kind of thing. So I listened to that I was doing that every morning. Then I listened to you know, Ted Cruz’s podcast sometimes. And that was like, twice a week, that’s an hour each. And there was another podcast, I think Austin, you know, broer was on the show a couple times ago. I’ve listened to them every once in a while. Then at noon, I just put Steve Desaad good. But it’s all you know, political stuff. And I thought, You know what, for this week, I’m done with doing that. And it was it was really tough because it’s almost like gossip, you know, you just want to get in there and hear it and, and I’m passionate about, you know, political debates and that kind of thing. But I thought, Okay, I’m going to replace it this week. I’m gonna replace it with, you know, encouragement, or Craig Groeschel is a Life Church is a pastor I listened to kind of on a weekly basis, but I’m like, Okay, I’m gonna go back and listen to more of that. This Jamie, you know, Winship is a four part series. So I’m gonna listen to that. And so this week, I’ve replaced it. I’ve replaced negative with positive I’ve replaced, you know, what’s down with what’s up. And I’m telling you, it makes such a difference in your life. And so kind of, you know, and one of the things that was, it was weird because I was listening to this and it’s like, Okay, how much time do I give to Jesus? How much time do we give to Joe? Talking about Joe Biden, listen to that. How much time do I put truth in my life? Or how much time do I care about Trump? In my life? Yeah, how much time? Do I want clarity in my life? Or how much time do I care about corruption in other people’s lives? And so like we talked about with the whole corruption and insider trading, what can you do about it? Like literally, yeah, if you know if you know if you know, for a fact that all this stuff is true, yeah. You know, it’s true. What can you do about it? And and to all the people that have sent me texts this week with political this, that I and I haven’t responded, this is why because I’ve ignored it. Yeah, I have I’ve I get probably 50 texts, probably since Sunday. People sent in this that and the other and I just I, you know, a couple people. I said, I’ll look at this next week, because I’m on a I’m on a I’m on a fast this week from it, right? And it’s just been so good. Because like in the morning, I’ll wake up and I’ll start my day with something different than how the world sucks and how evil and vile, you know what they do. And the other night, I was laying in bed and I turn the TV on, and I was just, for some reason. I don’t understand how I got into Syria, because I was just looking something up but there’s I typed in like Damascus, Syria, and there were these two people that were tourists. And so they are going back to Siri, I think I looked it up. I was I was curious. I think I saw something about Assad. And I was curious about Assad, who was the president of Syria who was convicted or not convicted, but blamed by the US government for committing war crimes and stuff, which I’m not sure actually happened. I think it was more of a kind of a financial embargo to try to get oil or something. Or there’s there was some other means of the story. Yeah. Anyways, these two people were in Lebanon, and then they they traveled to Damascus, Syria, which was a war zone and all that other stuff. And so it was a four part series. And I just got, like, hooked on this. Because it was so cool to see how they went into there. And they’re like, this is probably the some of the most nice and kind people we’ve ever been around, ever. I mean, and on the video, they were just welcoming. I mean, and the one lady had blonde hair. So it’s not like she blended in, right it was. And so the place was, it was nice, the food was great, the people would come up and give them free stuff in the, you know, in the in the market. And I got to thinking last summer, when I went out to Portland, Oregon, I had a shoot out there and I was downtown Portland, I was like, this may not be a good idea. Because what I’ve seen on the news, yeah. And they were talking about the same thing, what they’ve seen on the news, as far as how dangerous Syria was, and Damascus and all this other stuff. And they’re like, We have never been to a place with more love and more kindness and more welcoming spirit and just, we can walk around, the girl would just go by herself, you know, to places and felt completely safe. And I thought, you know, there’s so much goodness in the world. There really is. But if we focus on the on the bad, I mean, think think about this, if you’ve if you have if you make a speech, let’s say I mean, you’ve done public speaking, right? So you make a speech, 10 people come up and say, Dale, you did a great job, man, that was a great speech. And then one guy comes up and says, Man, that’s that’s suck, man. You. I don’t know why you stuttered or did that right? What would you remember? You’re gonna remember the one? The one, the one. And it doesn’t matter who it is, it could be a person without a big title. 10 people with great titles come and I think that’s how we do it. And what we do too, because if they can put that in there, I mean, we see, you know, shots, I mean, shots, meaning like video clips of, you know, people get beaten this that the other and you have to you have to put that in context. How many clips have you seen of that happen? Let’s just say maybe there’s five that you’ve seen out of a country, 330 million people, yeah, five, are going to make your judgment based on this country and where it’s at. Yeah. And I think that if you can walk through Syria, and you have the most welcoming, the most loving the most embracing people in the culture that just welcomed you. But you’re told that’s dangerous. You shouldn’t go there. It’s a red flag tourist thing by the US, US Department of State, they say it’s a red flag, you shouldn’t go. It’s dangerous. And they’re showing this and it’s like what? Yeah, this is great. I guarantee you, there’s places that you wouldn’t want to go in the United States. But Damascus, Syria is a lot better. And so, like I’ve been I’ve been, I’ve been in the Gaza Strip. I’ve been all over the world, all over the world. And the one place that I’ve been that I think I was the most fearful in my life was the State Fair over in Tampa. Because I’m not kidding. It was it was a it was a night, we were all there. And all these cops kept coming up to us to say you guys need to go, you guys need to go now. And we’re like, why? They said, it’s, it’s like, all these gangs are supposed to meet here. And we’re shutting the whole thing down. And I’m like, All right, because you’re not supposed to take a gun in the, in the state fair. So I’m like, Okay, we’re going because I don’t I don’t want to be here, like, but here’s the thing is you’ve got in that podcast that talks about is knowing your identity. And going back to that is people within gangs, they get their identity from the gang, they don’t get their identity from God or from, you know, what they know about themselves, they get their identity, because you’re trying to fit in and they’re, they’re broken, and they’re lost. And they’ve, they accept and embrace the labels that the world puts on them, and how they want to live up to because they probably don’t have family, they probably, you know, are looking for that acceptance. And someone’s going to use and abuse that to try to give them that identity. And they’re going to they’re going to ultimately lose and they’re going to, you know, lose out on a lot. And so, to me, that’s what I’ve that’s what I’ve tried to do this week. And it was interesting, because yesterday on the Bible app, the verse of the day came up, and it was flipping for eight and said finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable. If there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. And I think it was just kind of it because it’s like, you know what we get so caught up in
things not being right again. What are we going to do about people that are insider trading and corrupt and that kind of thing. And if there’s anything we can actually do to make a change, I’m all for it. Like, I’m not saying to sit back and be a pacifist and just let people take it. No, I mean, I mean, when COVID was going on, I fought back harder than anything else on that, and lost friends over that. And, you know, I mean, it was a tough time, but that was something worth fighting for. Because that’s something we could do, we could educate our families, we could, you know, stand up, we can go to school board meetings, we can, you know, just make our voice heard. But I think it comes to the point to where if we sit back, I mean, we’ve got this duopoly right now, between Trump and DeSantis. I mean, that’s what we’re trying to, that’s what they’re, they’re putting the focus on. And it’s a personality battle. It’s not a battle about policy. Yeah. And then, then there’s on the other side, you know, whatever is happening with Joe and all this other nonsense, I mean, it is what it is, that’s not going to change my life. And to me, and I’ll turn it over to you in a minute. But to me, if we can put stuff in, that fuels us so that we can in turn, let stuff out, that we can help build each other up. That’s the flow that we’re supposed to go to go with that. I think so many times, all of us are the Dead Sea, Les Brown said, and I think I’ve mentioned this before, but the only body of water that has no life, and it’s the Dead Sea, it has an inlet, but it doesn’t have an outlet. And I think so many times we’re isolated, and listening to negativity, and we’re filling up with negativity, and we have no outlet. And the only time there is an outlet is going to be the outlet of negativity. So I think if we let some things good, like dwell on those things, think about the good things look for the good things. Sometimes we have to look for him because we’re so used to and it’s easy to see the negative Yeah, to complain. Like I said, it’s easier to be a critic than a creator. I mean, as from what I do, it’s hard. Because, you know, we, we create videos, we create websites, we recruit designs, we’re creative, we put our heart and soul into that. And you show that to somebody that you spend hours or days on. And they nitpick something like that. And it’s like, okay, yeah, it’s definitely easier to be a critic than a creator. But we are created by the Creator, to be creative and to create. And I think we can, you know, there’s a guy listen to Erwin McManus, he said, you know, birds build nests, bees make hives, humans build the future. And I think that’s the difference between what we can do as humans and what every other creative species can do. We get to build an imagined something and make that a reality. And so if we dwell on that, if we dwell on the good if we dwell on what we can do, and if we put into ourselves, whether it’s positive, or learning or anything like that, what can you do to make you grow, and to be able to grow in a capacity to help encourage other people to be to be better, and to not dwell on that negativity? That’s to me, kind of what I’ve tried to do this week is replacement therapy to replace what I put in myself negative and replace it with positive.
Del Murphy
Yeah, that’s, that’s definitely awesome. I mean, you know, we’ve talked about that, you know, looking at the whole, like, How to Win Friends and Influence People or, you know, whatever it may be, and, you know, putting things into your life that that are uplifting because, you know, things on the news and things in the media, whatever it may be, it’s, it’s fear sales, man fear is what is going to get the eyeballs, that’s what’s going to, you know, draw the people in is going to, you know, push people apart. So, that, I mean, that’s, that’s basically what they’re doing is they’re just selling fear. And, you know, and people are drawn to that. And then it’s just like, they, they can’t get enough, they want more and more. And, you know, you know, like we’ve talked about whether it’s the elderly people sitting there watching Fox News, and you know, seeing the same story 14 times, but they’re still sitting there, you know, it’s, they know what sells and so we’ve got to, we’ve got to focus on those good things like, like, I’ve talked about maybe two or three podcasts ago, where I talked about, you know, my dad, having the gratitude journal, you know, it should be part of our daily routine where we wake up, and we’re thankful, you know, where we don’t start our day and automatically go and grab the phone or turn on the news, you know, and scroll through and see what’s going on, you know, and then just get basically walk into a depression den because of the things that are going on in the world, and that affects your day. And so it’s like, if we can start our day with gratitude, if we can start our day, you know, filling our lives with, you know, with those good things. I think it’ll make a huge difference and just the way that we see life and the way that we enter act with others, you know, I think it could really, really change our society, if more people would would say, You know what, I’m not going to allow these outside circumstances that I can’t control, that those aren’t going to control me, they’re not going to control my attitude, and the direction that I’m going to go with my life, you know, I’m going to be thankful, you know, just, I’m happy to be here happy to be alive, happy to have an opportunity, you know, to love friends and family and you know, make a difference. And so that’s what we just every day, you’ve got to make that conscious effort, because it’s so easy to just grab that phone and sit there and scroll and you know, just go down the spiral of, of depression, but but we just got to make that conscious effort of making the choice of, you know, wanting to have put those good things into our heart and into our minds.
Rusty Puttfark
Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s true. And the thing is, is there’s not going to be an easy day. And we’re going through rough times. But, you know, my friend, John Gordon wrote a book called The coffee bean. And he said, let’s compare three things. You’re either an egg, you’re a carrot, or you’re a coffee bean. When you’re put in hot boiling water, and you’re an egg, you become hard. And you just you tense up, when you’re a carrot, and you are put in boiling water, you go soft, and you disintegrate. But when you’re a coffee bean, you’re putting boiling water, you change the environment, and you make a better aroma. And I think that’s so true. Because sometimes and where, and obviously, I’m not saying this is someone that has it remotely all together. It’s something we’re all working on, we’re all on a journey to try to do this. But it’s hard to be on that journey, when you’re not walking on a path. Because sometimes, you know, when you’re just walking out through the wilderness, and you know, going through stickers, and that kind of thing. And I was thinking about it the other morning, too, as far as I saw this thing on, on Twitter, weeks ago, it said, describe yourself in three words. And I remember I was in Paducah, Kentucky, on an airplane. And I saw that, and I turned my phone off. And I thought you know, I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know how to do that. And the first thing I started thinking about is, what other people how other people would describe me in three words. Yeah. And then it hit me that, and I think this goes back to this podcast, which will link on our website to finding your true identity in Christ, rather than just what the world puts on. And I thought, Man, that’s so crazy, because I think we’re so conditioned to accept the labels that everyone else puts on us and the things that we want to live up to, that we don’t know what our true identity is, that we can stand firm within and know and grow from. And the visual image came to my mind, of, of like me walking around wearing a Velcro suit. And you’ve got people with these like balls with words on them, that you’re throwing them at him, and they’re sticking. Yeah, and I just thought, when this pastor when he started talking about this ex CIA agent, like when you truly know that, you can stand in the criticism, you can stand and just be, you know, be joyful, be happy, and your mind is focused on something different. Because you know who you are in there. And I just thought about ripping, you know, that Velcro suit off and getting a hat with your true identity monogram that you put on your head and you wear it proudly because this is who I am. This, you can’t throw anything and it’s not going to stick. And I think that you know, to build yourself up on a daily basis to do that, but no, your identity within within the kingdom, your kingdom identity. And I’ll go over a little bit more, I’ll send you the podcast, actually, it probably be it’d be neat to kind of go over that because I made a ton of notes. I was just sitting out there making notes, I love to do that. And that’s one of the things I’ve done in the mornings too. I built this little table downstairs. And it’s like in the mornings I get up and I sit down there and I used to have my coffee or breakfast and just say okay, I’m gonna spend an hour, I get my I get my first two hours of the day. Like that’s for me, the rest I’ll sell. But for me, I’ve got to take and like you said to get up with an attitude of gratitude. And if you your most productive time, your most creative times in the morning and that’s what one of these mindset experts said is the last thing you want to do. The first thing in the morning is to check your email because sometimes those can be negative right? And your your your the frequency that you have within your mind can change and that’s when you talk about watching Fox News. i There’s places I walk into that the news is on and I get upset like I just it just I just to have Have it on drives me crazy. I can’t stand it. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve just sat there and watch the news. I’ll put in my earbuds. I can’t stand it. I can’t because all it is is fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. That’s it. Yeah. That’s it. And through that they loop in. And that’s why, you know, I mean, as far as like, some of these podcasts will probably never be in the top 500 podcast, because we’re not, you know, fear base. We’re not, you know, extravagant on that. I mean, we have a balance, obviously, there’s things that we want to bring up. But there’s also you know, what, if you want to talk about politics, if you want to trash people, if you want to do all this other stuff, there’s a lot of places you can go to do that. It’s not gonna be here. But because it doesn’t make me feel good to do it. I know, it doesn’t make you feel good to do it. And I mean, we have to have that balance. There’s a lot of things that Yeah, I mean, we’ll call it out, we’ll fight against that. If it’s if it’s stuff that really affects people in our lives and that kind of thing. But man, just dwell on that dwell on what’s good dwell on what’s right. Dwell on what’s you know, worthy of edification of yourself that you can be stronger to go do that. I mean, even when it talks about money, you know, the Bible talks about money, it says, You are made rich, so you can give to every good and perfect work. That’s why we’re made rich. But when you look at the people that you’re talking about before, it’s just like, a scarcity mentality, I’m gonna get get get get get, and there’s no outlet. So it’s dead at the end of the day. Look at Dianne Feinstein. Now, look at Mitch McConnell. Now, look at Joe Biden, now, all the money they’ve either embezzled or corruptly stolen, I mean, what’s that going to do for the life? There’s gonna be over soon? It’s like a vapor. And where does that leave? Yeah, I mean, literally, they have to be sitting there thinking, This can’t buy me any more time. And it sure can’t buy me any more health look at Steve Jobs. I mean, he, I mean, it’s crazy. But I don’t know, I just think that this week, I just, I didn’t want to go over the electric cobalt thing, even though that’s crazy. But you know, I just thought I’m, it’s so good. And again, the last thing, and then I’ll turn it to you, but music, the music we listened to, is so important. And like, this week, I was at church and there was a song they played, I’m like, Man, that sounds and it wasn’t. But I said, that sounds like a need to breathe song, you know, they are just phenomenal. And so what I’ve started doing, and you know, listen to their songs, I’ve never really looked in read the lyrics. But I’ve got Spotify. And you can see the lyrics. Absolutely incredible, absolutely powerful. And there’s a different energy, there’s a different spirit, there’s a different frequency, and that kind of music for some of the other kinds of music that you can listen to. And so I would just encourage everybody to do that is just, you know, take a week, I’m not saying do it, like forever, but just take a week, or at least start with a day or an afternoon, or whatever you can do, and see the difference it makes when you put good stuff in and what you get out. I mean, it’s kind of like, you know, just for me, on the carnivore, what I put in my body, affects how I feel and act in React, what I put in my mind affects how I feel and react and perform. And also, it also affects other people too, because it’s a cascading effect. Because you can encourage other people. You can, you know, just just be better all around. And so this isn’t like self help self talk or whatever like that. It’s, it’s literally fueling yourself with the good instead of fueling yourself with the bad and the stuff you want to dwell on that just makes your life worse. Who cares? Who cares? Who cares? If you know all the information about this 4d Chess that trumps plane, who cares? There’s, there’s a, there’s a there’s literally a guy in my neighborhood who does math all day. And he does these things on Telegram, thinks JFK Jr. is coming back. This guy’s brilliant. This guy’s like, seriously, the guy’s brilliant. And when he talks to me, sometimes I’m like, What a waste. Like literally what a waste of his time not he’s not a waste of a person. It’s a waste of his time because he could be doing something. And I asked him, I said, Okay, I think the last time I was outside the neighborhood, and he has a dog, and I’ve got dogs and we sat there and talked and I said, Okay, so if you know all this stuff, what does that do? Oh, well, it just gives us the power to to just know that I’m like, alright, okay. Okay. And then what happens? Because he’s talked, I think he’s talking about the whole child sex trafficking. I said, there’s a place down the road that deals with traffic children, why don’t you go down there and serve? Why don’t you do something? Instead of just learn about this stuff? Because who cares? Yeah, who cares? Unless you’re going to sit there and physically help and be with somebody or financially donate or or strategically help them accomplish a mission and you just know that knowledge and sitting at your house like okay, cool. I know this not that does nothing that does nothing and waste your life. That’s what it does. Yeah. So I Oh, no, it’s it’s absolutely bizarre. And again, I’ve been there. I’m not saying that he’s the Kook, I’ve been there. I wanted to know as much information about this stuff as possible. But then when you look at reality, and you put it in perspective changes just a bit. Yeah.
Del Murphy
Yeah, I think that’s, that’s good man. I mean, you know, the, you know, I’ll just kind of wrap it up on my side, you know, just responding to that. One of the things that I’ve, you know, I read a lot of books. And there was, there was one book I was reading, where, you know, the guy in there said, Man, you can read all the books in the world and have all the knowledge in the world. But what does it matter? If you read a million books, and you don’t apply anything that you’re reading? He’s like, I’d rather you read two pages of a book, and it changed your life, rather than you read a million books and have all this knowledge and be able to go, Oh, I’ve read seven books a week. You know, what, what does it matter if all I’m doing is taking in all the knowledge and everything? Like we’ve talked about being that Dead Sea, you know, of just oh, it’s not, it’s an intake, intake intake. But if there’s nothing coming out and outflowing, and helping to affect others, and helping to affect your own life, they would change? What what does it matter if you’re in taking all this stuff? What even if it’s good stuff, even if it’s great, awesome stuff, even if it like, like, the Bible talks about what good does it do you if you read the Word and don’t do what it says, it says, It’s like looking in the mirror, and then walking away and not knowing what you look like, it doesn’t matter if you read the Word. And if you’re a scholar, if you don’t practice and put what it says, And you know, into practice, then it means nothing. So you know, I think I think that’s what we need to take away from, from today and in our lives, is just make a difference. And, and just have action, I think, I think it’s just a call to action, instead of, you know, so many times, if we want to be self help, and like just intake, intake and information. Okay, that’s great. And we should definitely have as much knowledge and information as we can. But at the same time, then once you have something, and God has given you the resources, you’ve got to now act, you know, it’s not just about taking in. So hopefully people can take that away from this week and, you know, go out and make a change not only in their lives, but also in those around them.
Rusty Puttfark
Yeah, and I think that’s one of the things that Craig Groeschel said is in intention does not equal action, you actually have to do something to do that. So I think exactly what you said. And, and to me, you’re exactly right, you can read two pages of a book, and it could change your life verse, a million, and just getting through the motions of what it is. And so there, you know, as far as I’ve got in my desk, here, I’ve got these highlighters. And I highlight everything. I mean, when I go through, I highlight everything or take notes. And, and back in the day, I used to, I mean, this is way before, there was a pastor I used to listen to and they would actually have transcripts. And so I print them out and take him to the sauna at the gym, and sit there and read them and highlight that kind of stuff. And it was, it was pretty interesting. But yeah, I can’t tell you the difference. And again, I’ve been guilty as probably more guilty than most people that watch this as far as just the the consumption of what knowledge but it turns out to be, you know, negative. And so to me, I like being well educated, well versed in a variety of topics. I’ve always been interested in that. But you can’t do it past what you can take yourself into. And you have to make sure that you’re always going on a trajectory of building yourself up so you can build other people up. And I think that that’s, that’s certainly a mentality that that we can that we can have. Because there’s just so much out there, there’s so much we can consume. We have so many choice, we have more choices than ever and more platforms than ever. And like you said, sitting there and your phone and your your phone and give you a report how much time you looked at it on a weekly basis, right. And sometimes that number is like, oh my gosh, how did that happen? Yeah. And so, you know, I’ve been off of social media this week. I’ve been off a podcast this week. I mean, as far as the political and my I’ve gotten more work done, my life’s better for it again, I put good music on in the background. And you just you build yourself up and you have the confidence and you have the, you know, the faith and the positivity to move forward. So I think, yeah, like I said, it doesn’t have to be this big stretch that you have to do just give it give it a shot just for a little bit and see how that will change because just a little bit of positivity will definitely change your life.
Del Murphy
Yeah, absolutely, man. Yeah, I think this was definitely good, you know, something to give everyone something to think about and like we talked about something that’s actionable. So, so hopefully people will We’ll take that and we’ll move forward and and have a great week with it.
Rusty Puttfark
Yep, so we’ll end with that. I’m gonna read this again. This is Philippians, four, eight. Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable. If there is any excellence if there’s any thing worthy of praise, think about these things, what you’ve learned and received and heard and seen in me practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Till next time, we love you all. Have a good one.
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